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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Whew. Way better. 2005-07-21 3:02 p.m. Okay, so things have been way better for my mental state here at the ranch since about the day after my last post. We ditched the 40 Days of Sex for my birthday idea because it was causing enough stress to negate the fun. Sara also let go of her extra availability requests and things are now where I have one date planned with each girlfriend per week and the rest of my time is free for my discretion. I think Sara is happy for the results.

Speaking of whom, happy birthday to me, she's upstairs at my disposal all day. So, pretty much, sex all day, whenever I want. Yay!

I went to Three's White Trash Croquet Party last weekend. Awesome croquet course with obstacles including a ramp, an oil pan tunnel, flaming wall of croquet death (four short tiki torches in a row that you had to hit trough -- and god help you if you had to make a shot standing next to them -- serious noxious fumes), automobile brakes (disassembled, lying on the ground), car battery maze, wall of cinder blocks, and "the ruff" (tall grass).

We got two games played in about six hours.

Three's most recent ex-girlfriend, Megan, was also there, and Three hadn't really had a chance to tell her that she's seeing someone (me) now. We were standing around bantering and stuff, and I had been behaving myself (not grabbing Three's ass in front of the company or anything), and Megan says, "Come on Three, you know you still miss me." Whoa, did I send her a "You don't want to go there" lift of my eyebrow.

See, Megan lives in Pittsburgh, and she's here temporarily for a job, and I think she was looking to get laid while she was in town. Of course, I don't lay claim to Three or forbid her to see anybody else. But I knew the break-up had not been a happy parting of ways. I think Three's response the next day when we were talking about it was something like, "Oh, why the fuck would I miss YOU when you broke up with me so horribly when you woke up one morning and decided you didn't want a girlfriend, me, any more, but you didn't bother to tell me before I drove to Pittsburgh to see you?!?" There may have been many more varieties of the word fuck interspersed in her response.

Oh, and another fun part of croquet was when the other players made fun of me for using the word deign. Geez.

That's also the night when I got to sleep over. I got a goodnight Threeing and a good morning Threeing. Ungh. I also got fancy yeast-containing waffles with vanilla yogurt and fresh fruit topping for breakfast. For my presents, she gave me the book Grendel, and a key chain that says Muscles on one side and "I have enough girlfriends," on the other (that was a present I dropped a subtle hint for). The key chain came from a local artist who makes custom dog tags out of shiny aluminum with whatever you want stamped in them. Angel has one.

I'd write more, but it's time to go wake up Sara and have my way with her again.

Deb's fixing steak dinner and blackberry cobbler for my birthday dinner tonight. Life is good.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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