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New additions and anniversaries 2005-10-07 4:49 p.m. If you haven't seen it yet, go see "Serenity." What a wonderful film. I love all of the characters, the dialog, the clothing and sets, and the plot. I've only seen a few of the episodes of the original TV show, "Firefly," but Joss Whedon does the exposition so well, it's no problem. And, oh man, does Nathan Fillion look good without his shirt. It doesn't hurt that he also flawlessly handles the role of conflicted captain.

This film may not have had a huge box office opening, but I'm hoping it has "legs" as the word gets around about how good it is.


Everything has been going great at the ranch. In fact, we've got a new addition to Rancho South. Dax (formerly Axel) is a 9-month-old terrier/shih tzu mix (we think) that we got from Atlanta Pet Rescue. He is designated as the lap dog that Deb originally wanted before I ended up talking her into adopting a basset hound.

The shot where Angel has his head completely in her mouth is good to show the scale, I think. They're about the exact same height, but he's 20 pounds and she's around 50. He completely holds his own in play and wrestling. It only took him about three minutes to discover how her ears were just made for him to bite. They chase each other around the house and the yard. It's pretty entertaining.

Dax loves squeak toys and fetch. We're treated to incredibly enthusiastic toy squeaking on a daily basis now. We've also had episodes of book chewing and pooping in the house, which are not as fun.


I'm still working out at the gym, though I've started to work more on cardio than strength lately. I was very much inspired by Marn's recent entry on her last four years of health improvement. Yay, Marn! I'd say she's done a pretty damn good job. It's been over three years since I quit smoking, and I'm so thankful I did it. It's been absolutely worth every craving struggle.


I recently passed my one-year anniversary with Three and I'm approaching my eight-year anniversary with Sara. Wow. Life is good.

Three and I celebrated by having drinks at the pub where we first met face-to-face. She gave me presents: a Buffy the Vampire Slayer figurine and a book on how to survive a zombie attack. I brought her prints of pictures I've taken of her dogs and the only existing picture of the two of us together so that she could prove to her friends that I'm not imaginary if she has to.

I don't know what I'll do for my anniversary with Sara. We haven't ever really celebrated it before, but eight years is getting pretty impressive. I'll have to look up the date of our first date in my old e-mail records to figure out when our actual anniversary is. I remember that we went to see "G.I. Jane" and then I took her for a ride on my motorcycle afterward. Our first kiss was in the dark somewhere in Virginia-Highland, pulled off on the side of the road, sitting on the bike. I took my helmet off and told her to take off hers. She asked, "Why?" I replied, "So I can kiss you." Pretty fucking romantic if you ask me. I had to really twist my body around to reach her, but it was an amazing kiss, and the start of a beautiful friendship.


Sara got an MP3 player for her birthday, and she has turned both Deb and I on to podcasts. One of the first she told us about is called Polyamory Weekly, which you can get here, or by searching on the term polyamory in iTunes in the podcasts section. It's interesting to hear about other folks who are managing polyamory, how they do it, and the issues that come up. I don't always agree with the host, Minx, or other listener feedback, but it sure is refreshing to hear someone besides me talk about it.

Sara's also got me listening to Cinecast, two guys from Chicago doing a bang-up job of discussing films, past and present, sometimes analyzing the everloving hell out of them, but always intelligently and thoughtfully. It's an extremely well done show with professional-quality production and editing, inventive content, and a level of discourse that I wish was more common in the mainstream media.


Every 20 years or so, I have to requalify for my lesbian card, and it's about that time, so I'm going to an Amy Ray show in town. On a school night. Ack. Three will be there, so at least I won't be the only 40-year-old in the room, not counting Amy. It should be a lot of fun.

I have never been a slavering Amy Ray or Indigo Girls fan, and in fact, have never owned an Indigo Girls album (which probably put my lesbian card status in serious jeopardy over the years), though I've had girlfriends who did.

But, I managed to hear some cuts from Amy Ray's new album, Prom, and I loved it. It totally rocks and works so well as an album. To me, there's not a dud or out-of-place song on there. It's very much Amy Ray electric rock-and-roll, and not harmonizing acoustic Indigo Girls (not that there's anything wrong with that). I highly recommend it. Frankly, the photo of Amy Ray in a cheerleading outfit in the album notes is worth the price.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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