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Bad's Blog

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Bargaining in the South 2002-12-18 12:10 p.m. I made the deal of the century with my neighbor Ricky last night. Here's how you make business deals with neighbors where we live.

Ricky (re: dogsitting): Now Badsnake, I'm GONNA pay somebody for this. We've already looked into it. There's somebody who might be able to drive in from three counties over do do this for us, and we're ready to pay.

Bad: I'll do it. No problem. I don't need you to pay me.

Ricky: No. We're going to pay for this.

Bad: Okay. Pay me in quail.

Ricky: Now we're talkin'. Are you sure? You're making my life easy here.

Bad: Sure I'm sure.

Ricky: How many are we talking here?

Bad: How about four quail for each day.

Ricky: That doesn't sound fair. How about ten?

Bad: A day?

Ricky: Yeah. Ten a day. That's ... (thinks for way longer than required) ...

Bad: Thirty quail.

Ricky: I can do that. Over the next year, I'll get you thirty quail.

Oh yeah.

I had called Ricky in the first place because he'd left us a message wanting to know if I'd fed the puppies last night. I called him back: "Yeah I fed the puppies, but boy are my nipples sore." He laughed for about five minutes straight.


I'm looking for a photo of the kind of cheap-o lock that used to be on the diaries geared toward little girls when we were kids. You know the kind. It had a flap across the pages side of the book and a nickel-plated lock with a flimsey key. I want to use that as my second diary link icon.

If anyone has one of these and can take a digital photo or scan of it for me, I'd much appreciate it.

There seems to be a problem with the "locking" aspect of the locked diary. My link took me right to it. Ahh. This is a test. I'm hoping that when you click here, it asks for a password. If it doesn't, well, it's a date report. Write to me for a key to the back room.


Took Sara for a motor to the 24-hour Post Office last night. I had offered to drive her any time she wants, just to make her shipping experience a little more fun. We also talked about making our Saturday morning, pre-sunrise, Waffle House date a weekly thing. I'd like to as long as it's okay with Deb. I have to remember to ask her.


Got an outstanding performance review on the job yesterday. An M+ (M=Meeting Expectations). They're big on not giving you an E (Exceeds Expections) unless you've really gone above and beyond the call of duty. They won't tell us what kind of raise goes along with that performance review until January, though. Dangit.


I've been burning CDs lately. 8X = skips and much cursing; 4X = pretty good, but maybe some problems; 2X = good, but gah-damn it takes for fucking ever. Jesus.


I have a date planned with Deb tonight that I'm really looking forward to. She's so busy at this time of year that it's hard to find her in a relaxed state, and I've been trying to give her some room to reconnect with Jake as much as possible. But tonight is for me. She picked up a book on out of the way places to go in Georgia, and we're going to talk about her birthday trip and other possible excursions.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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