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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Is that a crouton or some emotional baggage? 2002-12-17 3:23 p.m. Deb cooked the most amazing quail dinner on Sunday night. You wouldn't believe how good it was. I would've taken a photo, but it was all gone before I thought about it. I dug in to my little fried bird and started having food orgasms so intense at the end of the table that the girls were probably afraid of reaching for the salt lest they pull back a nub. I couldn't follow any conversation. I'm sure they were talking about me right in front of me at one point.

Well, I did have a tiny generous moment. We had four quail, and Sara didn't want one (she opted for chicken), so we had one extra. Lucy came home from a trip with her mom right as we'd just finished dinner, and since her husband is the one who gave us the quail, I offered her the last bird. She took it. Called the next day to tell Deb how much she loved it.

I hadn't had quail since my maternal grandfather's hunting days. He died when I was in high school, and he hadn't been hunting for several years before his death, so I think I was probably in junior high the last time I had game (other than deer) that someone shot and cleaned and put on the table. Oh, god, it was so good. If there was any buckshot in my piece, I swallowed it without noticing.

And we have four more in the freezer. It's like gold, baby.



We put flannel sheets on the bed Monday night. Slipping between flannel sheets on a cold night is like getting a hug from your bed.

I looked in on the Jack Russel puppies on Monday night, too. Ricky and Lucy are out of town until later tonight, so we're just checking in on them. They are named Virginia, Georgia and Scarlett. Scarlett is the runt who had to fight for her food, and she will never go hungry again. They, of course, are adorable. They're at the phase of development where they don't run so much as stumble fast in a general direction. And they have little sharp toenails and can climb up your clothes.

And they have puppy breath. There's nothing in the world like puppy breath. Mmmmmmmm. And don't compare puppy breath to baby heads. Baby heads got nothin' on puppy breath.


One of my coworkers called me "shorty" today! It's my first time. I had made fun of her pants (they have leather patches on the insides of the knees like riding jodhpurs). She's a kind of new employee and I can't really peg her yet. I've thought she might be gay, but it's really hard to tell with some black women. I know she's a church-goer, but that doesn't mean anything. I wouldn't even be thinking it except she walks so damn tough. She saunters with her shoulders thrown back like she's ready to whip a hand back and pop you one if you're not careful. I like her.


I was riding in to work on the train with Anat. She looked down at her book and got distracted by her own breasts.


Lana at Cool Beans gave me one of their beautiful blue coffee go-cups today (a $7 value). It doesn't have a lid (that was broken when it came in), but she said she'd still give me $1 refills. Score! I'd been telling her that I didn't think it would fit into the miniscule MINI cup holder. She doubted my powers of estimation. I asserted my correctness. She said I could borrow a mug to take home and find out. Then she came up with the broken-lid mug and said I could have it. She also said I'm their first "regular." I've really got to convince some other people to start going there, though. They've never got any customers.


I finally made a decision about what I'm going to do with the diary and issues with stuff getting read that I hadn't intended to be read. I'm going to start another diary that's password protected and put my date reports and snit fits in there (an odd combination of content, I know).

Why? I've reached a point where I don't feel like I can write about my actual feelings without risking major ramifications with my family and other folks in my real life world. I like writing things out. It helps me think. It helps me figure things out. It helps me vent anger and passion and frustration. It's therapeutic. But it's not that helpful if I have to be rational and considerate and careful all of the time. And asking someone not to read something that they just have to scroll down a little ways to read does not work.

Sometimes I've got something inside that needs to come out, but I don't want it to splat all over my family. So, I'm creating a space for that. A virtual sneeze guard, if you will. More specific into later.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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