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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Plumb wore out 2002-11-12 3:14 p.m. Took the day off yesterday so that I could spend it with Molly. I let her sleep pretty late because I knew she was still up at at least 2:00 a.m. from her journal entry.

It was lunchtime by the time I woke her up, and I had to wake up Sara too. We were all going to the Chicken House.

Oh, hell, I didn't do much other than fuck yesterday, so let's get right to the date report.


Date Report


















The plan was to do a scene with both Molly and Sara on the last day.

Scenario: a man has arranged to act out his own private fantasy. He's arranged to have two uniformed school girls he hooked up with online meet him, one after the other, at his place. I started with Sara, whose character considered herself pretty smart and knowledgeable in the practices of BDSM, etc. She's read a lot of books and expects my character to play by the rules.

I tied Sara up in a chair while Molly got to watch quietly from the sidelines. Molly wasn't yet part of the scene, she got to be voyeur to the sort of warm-up dialogue and interaction that Sara and I do. That was fun. I didn't feel self-conscious at all.

I unbuttoned Sara's button-down all the way, then tied her wrists to the chair down at her sides. I bound her ankles together, and fastened that rope to a crossbar under the chair so she couldn't kick at me when things got going. As I tied her up, the more secure she got, the more vulgar my commentary got. She wasn't scared or put off at all.

We decided Sara would be Michelle; I was Thomas.

When Molly sensed that I was about done with Sara, she quietly eased on downstairs.

I told Michelle that I was going to get something�a surprise. She got a little put out when she realized I was leaving the attic.

Molly (I named her character Janie) was waiting for me downstairs as if I'd let her into the house already. I was charming and offered her a drink. It was plain that she'd come to play but was pretty innocent.

I blindfolded her and told her I was taking her up to the play room and wanted her to see it all at once when I took the blindfold off. I told her it was part of the experience.

I'm not going to try to faithfully recreate dialogue, because it would just be too hard. And a little surreal. Sara and I have perfected our scening and interaction instincts over five years, and throwing someone new into the mix made it much more unpredictable. To recap: the two girls were shocked that someone else was there. Janie threw some bitchy attitude at Michelle. Michelle spat it back. I told the girls that if one of them acted out, I would hurt the other. That worked to keep them under control most of the time. I had to gag Michelle for a while in the beginning.

Where did we start? I played with Molly on the cross a bit and then had her suck my cock. I stripped off her blouse and bra. I put her on her knees and fucked her from behind. Put her on her back and fucked her again.

Then I put her to one side and started to work on Michelle. I think there was an escape attempt at that point that got Janie some flogging.

I fucked Michelle with the dick, too, and then with my hand, making Sara come in buckets.

Then I had the two of them kiss each other before I tied them together, back-to-back. At that point I was running out of ideas, but both girls looked like they were having a good time. I started to play them off one another.

I told Michelle that Janie was in over her head. What would Michelle offer for me to let Janie go? She asked what I wanted. I told her to admit that she was actually turned on by the things I was doing. She did. Maybe that's when I fucked her with my hand. I don't remember. I told Michelle I'd changed my mind and that she could go; I would keep Janie. Unless Michelle wanted to stick around to make sure that I'd eventually release Janie, too. Janie asked her to stay.

I had to break scene then.

Bad: Molly, do you want Denzel?
Molly: YES!
Sara: *starts coughing/laughing fit*

That pretty much ended the scene for good, which was fine. Sara was ready to go and let me and Molly have our time to ourselves. I was ready to drop the scene, too.

Sara went home, and Molly and I finished up with Denzel and some ass play. Whew. I was kinda whupped.

Took Molly to the airport and then ate dinner with Sara. We decided to go have some more sex since Deb was at work and Jake was out and we were all crushed out on and missing each other. So we headed back to the attic. That turned into two and a half more hours of sex between the attic and the hot tub later on.

We played with Julian and Eleanor. He was slightly injured (because my back was starting to feel the efforts of the weekend), but she was in a mood for some torture. We got the clothespins out. One on each nipple, one on the flesh of each breast, one on the inside of each thigh, and one on each labial lip. Eleanor was moaning and writhing. I was getting wetter and wetter. Julian fed and fucked a lot. Eleanor came in bigger buckets. We don't know where it all came from.

And despite the sex being rough and vigorous and laced with pain, it felt close and romantic, too.

Sara put four fingers inside me like it was nothing while I got the vibrator out and came for the first time that weekend. Ga-damn that felt good. Thanks for plugging the vibe back in, Molly.

We retired to the hot tub where we kissed, caressed, held each other, fed and fucked more.

After that, I was done in. If Sara had wanted more, I would've said okay, but then begged for mercy. Took ibuprofen when I got home and went to bed.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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