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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Want lunch now 2002-11-11 12:31 p.m. Yesterday morning Molly was not quite up to facing five chatty lesbians (Anat was with us) over the breakfast table at 9:00 in the morning. Her stomach said, "ahhhh, what the fuck are you doing?" So she went back to bed for about four more hours, which is more suited to her Seattle timetable.

That's quite all right. I got an impromptu date with Deb and some time back in bed myself. I love waking up early on the weekends and then going back to bed. I just didn't think I'd get to do it while we had company.

I had a nice, long nap, and then Deb, Molly, and I went out to lunch at the Brake Pad. We had a really, really cute waitress who looks like a slightly older version of the really, really cute waitress who's there a lot. Woo, I like that restaurant. The wind blew some of our red, green and yellow tortilla chips out of the basket when she delivered them. It was kinda pretty.

Shortly after we came home, it was time for Deb to go to the wine store's Christmas dinner party

This morning, while I was awake, I got sucked into one of Lydia's entries and had a hard time pulling myself away. Lydia writes The Pornographer's Diary and runs the Sex Diary Burb, where she lists yours truly. If you're looking for other queer, poly, and BDSM diaries, it's a great resource, and I get hits from it all the time. And it's all part of MWI Productions if you want to buy a kinky video. Because of the frames design she uses, I don't think I can link directly to some stuff, but it's easy enough to find. The diary entry I was fascinated by was the one from November 5, 2002, with all the links to female inmate personal ads for pen pals.

Trinity asked in my guestbook why I don't have sex with Jake. I know I explained that once before, but I can't find it. A lot of it is because we're both tops now. When Jake was a bottom, we used to have sex on occasion. Now that she's embraced her top side, it just doesn't quite work. There was a time a while back when I wanted a good flogging, and Jake did that for me. I probably could've enjoyed her fucking me after she'd finished. But that kind of thing doesn't happen every day. And Jake was willing to put herself on the line when I did the month of sex, if necessary, but the need didn't arise. Plus, our sexual styles are very different.

That was sort of a lame answer, but it's the best I can do. Jake is hot. I find Jake hot. But I don't find myself wanting Jake like I want Sara or Deb. I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual.

Finally, there's only so much of Jake to go around, and if I started wanting a slice, I know some girls who'd be kicking my ass.


Date Report
















Molly's going to get short changed on her date report. I'm hungry, and I want to go out for lunch. Soon.

So yesterday we did a captive scene. As I tied Molly naked to a chair�rope wraps around her forarms and her torso above and below her breasts and padded leather shackles on her ankles, connecting with a series of metal rings and dog clips behind the legs of the chair�I told her to imagine that I'd put rufees into her drink at the club and that she was aware of what was happening to her, but she didn't have any will to fight it.

I played the night across her skin, popped her across the breasts and inner thighs with a leather slapper, taunted her. The knife was the threat that got her to cooperate when I untied her, moved her to the bed, and started fucking her silly.

We took a break, and then I started fucking her with my hand. I gloved up and fucked her cunt and ass at the same time. After I was done she let me know that she'd thought I was using my cock in her ass. Heh. I love it when that happens.

Then the greedy slut wanted more Denzel. I'm here to please.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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