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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Should I demand restitution _and_ punative damages? 2002-11-09 3:53 p.m. Took Molly to Waffle House for breakfast yesterday morning. Had eerie feelings of deja vu as I had to convince her to stop reading her e-mail and come to breakfast because I was starving. She's also gotten distracted by books when walking through the house. Uh huh. You know who I'm talking about.

We had fun talking photography over eggs and hash browns. When we got home, I decided I needed to take a nap. I'd been up until one and the animals had gotten me up at 6:00 a.m. Bastard animals.

But then, we got a call from Grampa Ricky. Their Jack Russel had her puppies Friday night. Three of them. Ricky invited us over and so Molly got to meet him.

Talk about cute. And the puppies weren't bad either. Ha. I kill myself. We got to hold them because Ricky's trying to train Dixie early that it's okay so she won't get overprotective. Dixie's doing really well. Rick say's Lucy is the one with the overbearing parenting instincts coming out.

Let's see. I took my nap. Had an afternoon o' fun (see date report), chilled in the hot tub with Molly, Jake, and Anat (if you want all the damn links, you can go to yesterday's entry). Molly and Anat got a lot of pleasure out of playing with Jake like she was a cute butch pool toy.

Then we retired to the house to watch lots of "Queer As Folk." I really wish I could rent the British version, too.

Deb came home and made chicken soup. Molly's friend came and picked her up and took her out.

That's about it. Except that I got up to pee late in the night and found Molly on the laptop. I told her I'd wanted to look at something while she had it up, she handed it over, I clicked on Dland, and Anat's admin page came up. She'd been using the computer earlier and apparently hadn't logged off. The temptation was staggering. She almost had a picture of my ass as her most current entry. Molly talked me out of it, though. Stupid mature 23 year olds.


Consumer News

It's a damn sad state of affairs.

Normal Condom


Tragic Condom


That's right. I reached for a fresh condom yesterday and came up with an empty, unopened condom wrapper. Sealed packet. Empty packet. No. Condom. Inside.

You can bet Trojan is going to get a firm letter from me.


Date Report
















Molly's put herself through such a buildup for so long that I decided to have mercy. I'd told her what time I was getting up from my nap, so when I went up to the attic, strapped on and ready to go, she was ready too.

Her response is so big that I had a hard time distinguishing between Molly coming and Molly having a really, really good time. By the end of the afternoon I think I'd figured it out. Especially when I felt the spasms in her cunt pull on my cock.

I started with the cyberskin and we fucked for quite a while. We did a little impromptu scene where I cast her as the slut who'd give it up for anybody. Mostly I was looking for a good excuse to talk dirty. Not like I needed an excuse.

I'll just say the girl is right flexible and leave it at that.

We took a break after a while and talked. She asked where the dick box was, so I pointed it out. She did a self-guided tour, pulled out Denzel and asked if she could leave that one out. Oh, yes, darlin'. Yes, you can.

When we were ready to play again, I shackled her up to the St. Andrew's Cross and gave her a good flogging. She's the first long haired girl I've had up there, and the first one I've flogged, so I had to get used to trying to keep her hair tucked to the front and out of my way. She'd had her hair in pigtail braids before, but I'd asked her to take them out. More of a little girl vibe than I wanted yesterday.

She was very good in letting me know when her hands needed to come down. I just rehooked them in front of her, hugging the cross, and kept flogging. When I was done (a little past the point where she didn't know if she wanted more or not), I tossed her to the bed, wrist cuffs still in place, and loaded up Denzel.

Molly brought a lube with her that I like a lot. It's called O'My, and the bottle says it's all natural. While I don't care what it's made of, what I do like is that it has almost no smell (and what it does have isn't bad), and it doesn't get sticky. Molly says it's kind of expensive, but I don't care. Next time we need lube, we're getting some. Oh, and she says the taste is slightly sweet, but I didn't test that for myself. I generally try to keep my face away from parts that have been lubed up as much as possible. Granted, that's always been because I don't like the smell, taste, and stickiness, so that may change.

Okay. So Molly got introduced to Denzel, and did right well. I love fucking with that big, heavy dick. I warned her that she had two more days to go, and she'd better not try to be overly ambitious on the first day. I kept fucking and she let me know when it was time to stop.

More talking. Nice holding. It was a good date. I felt incredibly studly. I'm pretty sure Molly had a damn good time. Today I think we might try a scene. And some hand fucking. Life is good.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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