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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Back to perfectly normal? 2002-11-01 3:03 p.m. Had two "birdfood bars" for breakfast. Birdfood bars, as Deb and I affectionately call them, are a treat that Deb gets for us from the DeKalb Farmers' Market. They're sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds compressed into a 1/4-inch thick bar and held together by some sort of honey mixture. Really yummy. But having just those and a cup of coffee makes 10:30 in the morning feel like someone's cleaned out your intestines with sandpaper.


Had one trick or treater last night. No costume. But at least he wasn't a teenager. Found an empty spicy pork rinds bag in the front yard this morning. The Great Pumpkin must've had the munchies.


Deb and I are either going out tonight, or staying in with some steaks. Either way it's going to be quality time. With a few exceptions, Deb's been feeling pretty abandoned this month, and she deserves some lavish treatment and spoiling and attention. She was completely generous and gracious about loaning me out almost every night for usually an hour or more plus the time I spent writing up date reports, but she doesn't particularly like to spend that much time alone. Jake's been pretty preoccupied with Anat since her move to town, so not much slack taken up there. Tonight I'm hoping to take a special night to remind Deb how much I love her and how much she means to me.


Date Report


















Thanks to Trinity (and I do mean "thank you") for the outstanding suggestion. I wore my my chaps with the orange pullover for our date last night, along with my butch engineer-type boots and the fangs. The pullover is so long that it looked like I had leather pants on, and I'm telling you, even I thought I looked hot.

Our scene called for Sara to be a Catholic high school girl who was trying to impress the "bad girl" crowd by going out and scoring some marijuana. She goes to the bad part of town where Julian happens to be hanging out on the street on the one day of the year when he doesn't have to use glamour to hide his fangs.

I wanted to start the scene outside with me sitting on our back stoop, but Sara woke up a little late from her afternoon nap and Deb was home before Sara could come over. Deb offered to make herself scarce, but I'd feel silly starting a scene downstairs with her at home. Much harder to sustain the illusion. So, we started up in the attic at the point in the plot where Julian had convinced her that nobody sells pot right off the street; you have to go to his flat where the stash is.

I set my backpack in a chair and pretended the goods were in there. [Oh, as a sidenote, Badsnake never smokes pot. The smell makes me really nauseous and kind of gaggy. Kind of ruins concerts for me.] I asked to see the money. Sara hadn't actually brought any money, so she's holding up an imaginary bill.

Julian: "That's not enough. I don't sell individual jays."
As Yet Unnamed Girl: "It's a hundred dollars! That should be enough for a baggy.
Badsnake: [inside head voice] Dammit. Work with me here, Sara.
Julian: "Well, I'm picky. What else have you got?"
AYUG: "I don't have anymore."

She started getting nervous as Julian got up and started walking toward her. She was backing up toward the door. "Forget it. I changed my mind. I'm out of here."

My right arm shot out and I grabbed her by the back of the neck. She froze. "You're not going anywhere."

I backed her up to the St. Andrew's cross and placed an index finger on her forehead. [This signals mind control.] She held still with her head thrown back as I started to taunt her in Julian's wicked, mean way and play with her.

He asked her name. Christine.

She stood there, helpless, as he unbuttoned her light blue, short-sleeved oxford shirt to reveal a barely-cream color bra with just a hint of padding�a virginal attempt to be racy.

She was doing really well with the "please don't hurt me" and "I want to go home" litany, which just turns Julian on to no end. He led her from the cross to the futon and told her to get on her knees on the bed. She knelt upright, and he removed her shirt and started to feed. He removed her bra, played with her breasts, kept feeding as she obediently knelt. When he lifted his head and let go of her shoulders, she fell face-forward onto the bed, unconscious.

Sara did that really amazingly. It looked just like a scene out of Buffy where the vamp lets go of the victim and they slip to the ground like a sack of potatoes. That's what it was like.

Julian slapped her awake. He had her take off his boots and then he shucked out of the chaps and his jeans. She still had her skirt and panties on. He took her panties off as she struggled and pled.

He made her get on her elbows and knees and fucked her from behind. He kept talking to her all this time. He'd ask her questions. Ask if she was having a good time yet. Ask her about what drove her to come into this bad neighborhood. And as he slid into her, he found out she wasn't a virgin [I didn't want the scene to go there] and stated as much. And he started asking her about how and when she'd lost her virginity. She kept answering because she had to.

There was a lot of feeding and fucking that followed. And every time I bit her, I'd leave two welts from the fangs. She had a lot of them.

There was something, I can't remember what it was, that convinced Christine that Julian really wasn't going to kill her. After that, she started fucking him back.

I was ready to switch to my hand, so I had her lie back. I told her that her will was mine, but that she could say whatever she wanted. I'd tell her to roll over onto her left side so that I could place the bed pad, and she'd say, "No," as she did it. I remember I blindfolded her, too. I fucked her a lot with my hand, and she just kept coming and coming. When I needed a rest, I flopped over onto my back and said, "Do whatever you like; there's no fight left in you."

And she rolled over and snuggled up in the crook of my arm. I grabbed her by her hair and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Christine: "You said do whatever I want. This is what I wanted. So I had to do it."
Julian: "This doesn't happen. They always turn away and curl up into a little ball. Food doesn't snuggle."

Julian was really confused. He kind of liked it, but he wouldn't admit it. He covered her and told her she'd have to go home after she warmed up. "They always get cold after I feed."

We did this little ritual where he would tell her the things he'd like her to say when she got home, and she would repeat them back in her own words.

"You studied late in the library and you lost track of time."
"I was at the library, studying, and I lost track of the time."
"You went directly home after school."
"When I saw how late it was, I came right home."
"You're very sorry for what you've done."
"I'm so sorry. It won't happen again."

That was fun.

After that we broke the scene and talked about how amazing October was and how much we love each other and all the fun we had and what we didn't get to do and what we still plan on doing. Sara even came by this morning to see me because she said she'd been thinking about the date all night. She really, really likes evil vamps.

Casualties: 2 condoms, 1 bed pad, 1 towel

Does it bug anyone that I switch back and forth from 1st person to 3rd person voice in my date reports? Just wondering.

October Casualty Grand Total:
Condoms: 27
Latex gloves: 1
Towels: 27
Bed pads: 17
Pairs of panties: 2
Thongs: 1 (not shredded)
Undershirts: 1
T-shirts: 3
Regular shirts: 1
Comforter: 1
Sheets: 1
Candles: 4
Drop cloth: 1


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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DISCLAIMER�Dear government health agencies, concerned citizens, and slayers: Any mention of vampires, or other creatures of the night, or blood drinking of any kind in any context on this site is strictly pretend and is not meant to promote such practices or alliances with, or support of, undead persons in real life.

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