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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

October: Best Month Ever 2002-10-31 12:46 p.m. This is the last day of my outstanding month of sex. For anyone just tuning in ('cause I put up more banners), I got sex every day in October as a reward for breaking a 15-year smoking habit. Pretty good incentive to quit.

I would like to thank Jake for putting the offer out on the table in the first place. She didn't get to see much of her wife this month because Sara was either up in the attic with me, sick, or at work.

Huh. Reading back on that entry, I've discovered that Jake offered TWO months of sex every day after I'd quit for a year. No wonder she was so quick to agree to the do-over month in March. Hmmmm. Having gone through the month, I'm not sure our schedules could handle 60 days of sex in a row.

I'd like to thank Sara for all the wonderful sex (24 dates plus the final one anticipated tonight). And for enduring the cough-from-hell that I passed on to her. She was an extremely good sport about it and never made me feel bad or guilty. I felt bad and guilty, but I did that on my own.

Finally, thank you, Deb, for being so good to me, for stepping in when Sara was too sick to fuck me and risking your own health, for being so damn sexy, for getting enthusiastic about it, for being you. I'm so lucky to have you.

And thanks to my readers who've made me feel like such a stud-muffin this month. That chaps picture is still getting unghy comments, and you probably don't know how much that means to me.


I'm wearing the neat orange shirt that Deb got at Old Navy and gave to me because it was too big for her. I really like it. And fangs. I have really good fangs that are actually enamel-like plastic and the proper tooth color. You custom fit them to your canines and then attach them with Poly-Grip when you want to wear them.


Mac called yesterday (I think) and left a message. He apologized for being so slow to call back. I called him back this morning and left a message. That is one hard-to-get-ahold-of boy. He'd better be worth it.

When I mentioned last night that I might be kissing him, the girls were just shocked. And then Jake and Sara both said that kissing boys is not nearly as fun as kissing girls.

Sara said that boys don't give kissing its own due; it's just something they do to let you know that they plan to go for your tits next. How sad for gay boys and straight girls.


Date Report

















Wednesday night Sara admitted it was going to be an "I'm having sex because I have to" kind of date. Her evening was feeling a little hurried with family dinner and wanting some time with Jake and having to go to work at 11:00.

Nevertheless, we had a very enjoyable half-hour. We talked and laughed and it took just a little nipple chewing to get her wet. She managed not to splash while I fucked her with my hand. It got close, but she held on.

Later on we made out in the hot tub. No penetration, just kissing and breast suckling and gnawing. And we came up with the concept for tonight's date.

Since it's Halloween, there's no other choice for a character for tonight's date than Julain. But we're going to do Julian before he met Eleanor. Sara said she wanted to wear her schoolgirl uniform, and we could have Julian pick up an anonymouse chick from a bar where there was a costume contest. I asked, "Why not pick her up from a school yard?" That got her cogs going and juices flowing.

Casualties: none.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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