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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

A Special Night 2002-11-02 1:09 a.m. Deb and I were walking Angel last night when we heard the PA at the high school football stadium announce that the homecoming parade was about to start. I looked at Deb and asked if she wanted to go. She grinned and said, "Yeah!" We walked the two blocks up to the street that runs next to the high school, and that's where all the cars were lining up and slowly proceeding forward. So we stood at the side of the road and cheered the all African American homecoming court as they drove past. We're talking 30 cars or so. Neither Deb nor I had any kind of homecoming parade like this. Ours was a queen and a few other girls who got escorted out onto the field by football players. This wasn't just the queen and her court, but kings too, and pretty much every club representative and winner of academic honor and maybe anybody who could get a convertible. One queen was on her cell phone. One was wearing a fabulous fur coat. One queen threw candy at us, and Angel really liked that. One told us we needed to go to the game because their record is 7 and 1 and they only lost that once because they didn't play right.

The Queen Herself went zooming past, poked up out of the sunroof of an SUV, yelling down into the cab for her driver to catch up and pull over somewhere. Deb and I had a blast.

Speaking of homecoming, a couple days ago we read the most retarded story. A kid from a local high school in Henry County got two days of in-school suspension for kissing his girlfriend on the forehead in the school halls. He's one of the football players, too, so he's missed his homecoming game. He collected 800 signatures petitioning the school administration to let him play in the game. But, the school has applied the idiotic rule uniformly, suspending six other students this year for lascivious forehead kisses or its ilk, so I can't say that an exception needed to be made in his case just because he's a football player. I can say, though, that the rule is damn retarded. I can see banning heavy petting and necking in the halls. But a kiss you wouldn't be embarrassed to give your mother? Yeah, we need to make sure that kind of thing's not going on. Next thing you know there'd be Lotharios and their little sluts hugging and maybe even saying, "I love you," or other disgusting things right in the hallways of our public schools.

Dang. I could not think of the male equivalent for the word slut. What's wrong with that picture?

Back to the evening.

When we got home and Deb had gotten dressed for dinner, I gave her the bracelet I bought for her today. She really, really likes it. I think it's very pretty, too.

I almost lost it on the train on my way home. The cars were terribly crowded and at one stop, two little ladies had to squeeze between me and another guy right across from me, both of us standing in the aisle. If you've ever been on Atlanta public transit, there's only room for two people to stand next to each other in the aisle. Add ladies trying to walk in between, even diminutive ladies, and you've got a squeeze. About two stops down the line, when the car had thinned out some, a lady pointed out that some stuff had fallen out of my bag and slid under a seat. My book, and Deb's bracelet. Whew.

Dinner at Sundown Cafe was great. We had a wonderful time, and the food there is fabulous without being too expensive. I had Eddie's Pork again: grilled pork medallions in jalape�o gravy, ancho (chile) potatoes and turnip greens.

Headed home, I was driving down the highway, my hand on my honey's bare knee, singing along to Alison Krauss on the radio.

The smile on your face let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall.

It was one of those wonderful moments you savor.


Date Report














We finished up the evening with time in the hot tub. Deb rubbed my feet, and then I spent wonderful, long minutes just running my hands up and down her smooth legs from ankle to just above her knees. The air was crisp, the night clear.

We went inside and made love by candlelight in the bedroom.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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