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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Six days to go 2002-09-25 7:35 p.m.
I've got to think of a better name for it than that.

So this morning, when I chose plain cream cheese over the garden variety or honey almond, one of my coworkers called me "vanilla," as in, "Oh, Badsnake, you're so vanilla." Oh, Jeff. If you only knew. I actually said that to him.

Dinner Sunday night was risotto with spinach and mushrooms and a fall off the bone pork roast. Gah-damn that was good shit. We've still got some pork in the fridge.

Painted the trim in the utility room and bedroom (after 3.5 years of living with the sloppiness of my original paint job), still have a top coat to go. Also watched Cecil B. Demented (not recommended) and 4 episodes of the Sopranos (highly recommended).

Last night Deb had her date with Nikki, and that went pretty well all around. Deb says they both had a good time. I'm not having a hard time with it at all, which is a bonus. And, I get a turn probably later on this week. Yay! (I know that sounds like we're passing her around like a piece of meat.)

After their date, they came over to Jake and Sara's house where we'd all been watching Buffy (Giles to Willow: "Do you want to be punished?" Sara: *falls off couch onto floor with preorgasmic spasm*), and we all adjourned to the hot tub. Five, count 'em, five, naked lesbians in the hot tub. AH, ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhhh. *thunder* I can't remember if we ever had all five of us in the tub at the same time when Anat was here. At one point I was standing up in the middle of the tub, and Sara demonstrated how she could kneel in the center well right in front of me and plant her face right into my belly. Yeah, I took that visual to bed with me last night.

When we got back inside I confirmed that Nikki did still want to play with me, and we made tentative arrangements (very vague on the date so far), and I kissed her (extra light) goodnight and she headed upstairs.

She spent the night here so that Deb wouldn't have to drive her home after their date. Deb had planned to drop her off at her job this morning, but Jake did it for her. How's that for cool.

When I went upstairs to wake up Nikki this morning, her little bleach-tipped spikey haired head was sticking out of the covers at the bottom of the bed. Kinda looked like a hedgehog poking out of the covers. Adorable. I tried to not be too perky waking her up, but by that time it was minutes before I was headed to work, so I was in full-on awake mode. She burrowed her face into my thigh. Extra adorable. We got slightly more specific in our date plans in that we want it to be before she leaves for Florida early next week.

I'm looking forward to it, but this woman is a harder nut to crack than Deb when it comes to finding out what she wants to do or enjoys, so it'll be a challenge. A fun challange. She's a hot little boi dyke with a great nose, so, I'll probably be pretty happy no matter what.

Jake found a Honda Reflex in the Cycle Trader and has put a deposit on it. We're planning to sell the Savage (mine and Deb's bike) to recoup some of the cost of the scooter, which will serve mainly as Jake's commute transportation (40 miles each way now). The reason we wanted to trade out is because the scooter has way better storage capacity for stuff, plus a faring and windshield, which makes it better for long highway trips. But the best feature for me is that you don't have to change gears all the time, which is part of what irritates my carpal tunnel syndrome (much better lately, thanks for asking).



















Someone asked once if Sara and I ever have a date when we don't play with characters and just let ourselves be ourselves. Sunday was one of those times. And it was still great, even without any vampires or SEALS or cops.

Deb and Jake had the attic, and Sara and I had planned to watch a DVD while they had their date, but then Sara called up and asked if I wanted to have sex instead. Well, yeah. So, I brought what I had on hand. I stuck a black bandanna in my back pocket and strapped on and I was ready to go. I used the bandanna for bondage.

I had her brace against their vanity dresser, facing the big mirror, and watch while I fucked her from behind. Sweet.

Casualty list: one bed pad, one towel, two condoms.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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