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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Off across the pond 2002-09-21 1:44 a.m. Tonight we went out to a going away party dinner with a friend of Sara's who's one of her old college buds, as is her husband. Naturally, it was held at 5 Seasons, where we took Mechaieh back in the spring when she visited us. Talk about a loud, rowdy crowd of librarians, geeks, kinks, and well, just an odd, fun assortment. Loud. Really loud. Amy's going away to London for quite a while, and we wish her well, and thank her for the excuse to go get rice balls and creme brulee.

Deb got to meet one of her Southern Comfort fans and a recipient of some of the Great Sex Book Giveaway. That was pretty cool in a less than six degrees of separation kind of way.

Oh, and Deb's got a date on Tuesday. And Sara has somebody lined up for the future as well. I may get a turn with Deb's date after she's finished with her. That should be fun.

It's 1:30 in the morning now. I was trying to watch "Living Out Loud," but it's raining and blowing so hard out that I keep losing the satellite signal. Dammit. I wanted to see the astoundingly choreographed lesbian bar dance sequence. That place sure didn't look like the dyke bar I went to in New York. Actually, the dyke bar I went to in NY was the one they filmed in "Chasing Amy," so you probably know what a dive it is. I cool dive. But a dive nonetheless.

Did I remember to tell you that when I went to Meow Mix, the doorwoman-slash-bouncer was refusing entry to a small group of folks and I got waved right in. That was fuckin' cool and will probably never ever happen to me again as long as I live.

















Finally got that long-awaited date with Sara last night. Boy, did I need that. And, according to Sara, so did she. We both started out in a sort of not-really-in-the-mood mood, but one wonderful, much appreciated thing about Sara is that she'll give me a chance to get her there.

And we got a chance to talk, too. I haven't actually gotten to spend much non-family time with Sara since we got back from vacation, and I miss her when we don't get to hang out much.

We kissed. We touched. I ran my hands over her body. We left things up in the air as far as planning what we'd do. So I went for one of my faves, teenagers.

"You're sure your mom won't be coming home soon?"

Well, that girl I was messing with, turned out to be the wild girl of the school. The one with the reputation. A deserved reputation. For the most part.

I was the new kid in town. A new kid who didn't think he'd ever find a girl who liked the things he fantasizes about, much less find one here in Podunkville.

She got him to tell her his fantasy. It involves a scared girl tied to a chair, blindfolded and gagged. She said she knew someone who liked to be tied up. Luckily she happened to have some rope and a bandana on hand.

I tied Sara up in a long wrapping across the chest, above and below her breasts, binding her arms to her sides, and I blindfolded her. We kissed more. I whispered the narrative of my fantasy to her. I chewed and pulled at her nipples, ran a knife along her breasts. She pulled in a breath in a huge gasp.

"I'm sorry. I can't be scared," she said. "That just feels too good."

Yes, it did. She was dripping wet when I slid into her. It felt so good to forget everything else in the world and just fuck hard. Later, I turned her over onto her belly and fucked her as she lay prone, bound and helpless. Ungh. Ungh. Ungh. I switched to my hand and she splashed out hard. We only missed the pad a little, which was pretty good considering that with her legs pressed together, the spray shot out on bottom and top.

Casualty list: two condoms, two towels, one bed pad.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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