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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
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August Dreams
Zen Slut

I'll fly away on a sin wagon 2002-05-26 3:06 p.m. This morning, in celebration of my first holy roller, "you're going to hell" guestbook signing, we had a porn breakfast.

What? It's supposed to be a "prayer breakfast"? What the hell is that? Sounds godawful. I like our idea better.

And let's go to instant replay and zoom in on that breakfast table, Bob.

Mmmmmmmm. Cleeeeeeeeavage. Augggahaoghhhaoggah.

So Mr. Marty Lineberry does not have a very positive view on queers. He doesn't like us one little bit. You don't really have to go to the site. It's pretty much just what you'd expect, including the animated flaming "HELL IS REAL!!!!" proclamation.

Just to quote Mr. Lineberry of Tobaccoville (Mmmmmm tobaaaaaaacco), NC, he says:

"Adultry = Child Molesters = Homosexuality = Bestiality! Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them! How can ye escape the damnation of hell? Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand! Homosexuality is a sin. Know ye not that our bodies are the temple of God, which is where the Holy Spirit dwells? God will destroy any man who defiles the temple of God. You boast about sin, like it is a good thing, you are proud, the truth is not in you."

For one thing, he needs a better understanding of his perversions. Adultry, child molestation, homosexuality, and bestiality are not the same things.

Revealing trivia: Every woman who's ever told me about being molested as a child (and there have been several), was abused by a minister, deacon, or elder of their conservative Christian church.

I advise you not to try to enter into any sort of dialog with Mr. Lineberry. This kind is just looking for the attention. But, for your convenience, we looked into Mr. Marty a little more by exploring his eBay history. Marty is apparently quite the WWF (World Wrestling Federation) fan, having purchased the WWF No Mercy Nintendo game and several WWF action figures. Interesting.

And he consistently misspells Testament as Testamant. I also love the parts where he paraphrases the Bible.


On a completely different topic, would you say that if a grown man had problems dealing with latent homosexual tendencies that he might act them out by watching big sweaty, muscle men wrestle with each other in skimpy costumes and by authoring a website that obsesses over homosexuality, thereby ensuring that he's thinking about queers and all the evil stuff they do for large portions of his waking hours?


As you might have guessed by now, the waves have crested and calmed here at the Ranch. Vamp's comment was right on the money. And the main reason I felt compelled to reveal that we were having a temporary rough spot in my journal, even though in extremely vague terms, was to show that it's not always easy breezy. We're human. We have emotions. We get jealous sometimes. Or have other problems. And "short and productive poly angst roller coaster" is a really good way to describe it.

We went into this relationship with our eyes open, and we're prepared for the occasional emotional fallout. We come out stronger on the other side.

Now excuse me while I crank up the CD player a little louder because Jake is flogging and fucking my wife upstairs really loudly.

I had a wonderful date with Deb last night. We spent some time on the deck, then retired inside for some excellent lovemaking (and a bit of spanking, shhhhh). Then we split a t-bone steak cooked with a bacon wrap (oh, my, god, that was good), followed by a late evening walk around the neighborhood before bed.

I get to play with Sara later on today. And tonight we're having sleepovers. Woo-hoo! Yay for three-day weekends.


Hey, have you seen the new Altoids Citrus Sour and Tangerine sour flavors? Those are the coolest tins ever. I picked one up and thought, "this will go so well with my Cooper." I've tried the tangerine ones, and for the first 30 seconds it's so powerful it tastes like you've got tangerine rind in your mouth. Thumbs up.

I couldn't find anything about these new flavors on the website, so here's your sneak peek. Maybe we're in a test market area or something.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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