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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

A boy and her bowel movement 2002-05-19 10:59 a.m. Yeah, I had one of those "man moments" this morning. You know, when you finish and turn around to flush and just have to say, "wow." Sure, you needed to know that.


I thought I was going to buy it yesterday. I mean B U Y it. I was driving home from a trip to the comic store and a visit with Deb, looked in my rearview mirror, and nearly had a fucking heart attack. I have never, NEVER seen a car come up on my ass that fast. I was doing about 68 myself (55mph zone), in the second lane from the right, going at the speed of the rest of the traffic around me, at a point where another lane is adding in on the right. There were three open lanes, plus the HOV lane on my left.

In the time that it took me to glance up at my rearview mirror and back to the road (because I was thinking I would need to try to point my car toward an open slot when this guy creamed me from behind), that car went from something small in the distance to FILLING UP my rearview mirror. And it was a small car. Not like when a Land Rover crawls up your ass and all you can see in your rearview is D ROV. I don't have any way to accurately guage the speed, but I would guess 90-95 considering how much faster they were going than me. He ... and I say he because, while I know a lot of women who drive too fast, I think only men take it to that "race track" level on the public streets ... switched lanes at the last second and had to put on the brakes behind someone else, whose bumper he also got within about three feet of.

I can understand a certain amount of zooming along if you're on a long haul on a straight highway and there's not much congestion. In this instance though, we're talking average weekend Atlanta highway traffic headed into the downtown connecter�a twisty, turny section of I-75/85 designed to make drivers slow down or crash into each other.

So in that split second, I was thinking, "He's going to hit me so hard," and wondering if I would survive it. And then he veered off. And then he TOOK THE FUCKING EXIT about 500 yards down the highway! What the fuck do you need to be doing 95mph when you're about fucking exit? He was probably doing 70 or 80 on the exit ramp.

I don't mind if you're suicidal on the road, as long as you're not homicidal, too. Good thing I didn't have to go at the time.

Gotta go. We've decided to try to make an early showing of "Spider Man."


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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