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August Dreams
Zen Slut

Movin' on up ... sort of 2002-05-17 4:17 p.m. Remember a while back when I talked about my job position changing from managing editor to being the technical expert editor for both of the magazines that I work for? Well, it looks like that's going to happen. (At first I typed "happy" instead of "happen"�an interesting slip since I'm really kind of nervous about this.)

We're going to start swapping around responsibilities right now, and then my job title will change with the August issues. One problem is that we can't figure out what my job title will be. I'll be pretty much completely in charge of one magazine (like Executive Editor, but I can't have/don't want that title) and in charge of all things technical for the other. Sure, Technical Editor sounds appropriate, but for most magazines that just means "advisor" who makes a living doing something else and gives his/her opinion on occasion and sometimes writes.

The other problem? Holy mother of shit on a stick, I am going to have to learn every freaking thing in the world about my industry. Crappity crap. I can pick up superficial stuff very easily, but I have never been a good "in-depth" student. Help. First of all, does anybody have any recommendations for one of those namby-pamby, you-can-do-it, organize your entire life and make it fun books? Like "Who Moved My Parachute"? I am going to have to create a workable system for storing a buttload of information. My current system involves opening e-mails, reading the first three lines, and then forgetting about them unless it's something I'm specifically interested in at the moment. Or opening mail, looking at the first couple of pages and sitting it on top of my desk in a stack somewhere.

Okay, it's not all that bad, but it's close. If anyone out there is an organizing guru, lend a poor snake a hand, will ya?

This also means that I might have to do diary updating from home a lot more often. Which means I might have to make an arrangement with my lovely wife so that I can still write every day and somehow make sure she doesn't feel ignored.

So, part of me is excited that I will be doing something that will improve my knowledge base in a big way and make my general employability even better. The other part of me is thinking, "Oh, man, they are so going to find out what a fuck off I am." I don't want that second part to happen.

When I was at my old job, and things were really miserable�the hours were incredibly long and the emotional stress was intense�I had a postcard of Camp IV of Mt. Everest up on my bulletin board, and I'd written "Things could be worse" across it. You know, like at least I'm not oxygen deprived and coughing so hard that my ribs are breaking and freezing my imaginary nuts off. I need to find something a little more positive than that. Something that makes my eyes unglaze when I get into the really boring parts of color management theory and ink jet technology and the inner workings of shit I've never laid eyes on before.


On a lighter note, I've got Gator Cam up on my screen in hopes that one of the Gatorland employees will flash her tits. Heh. She'd have to stand there with her shirt up for four minutes, though, to be sure that the cam got the shot. Not gonna happen.

Had a sweet morning visit with Sara today. Just making sure she's not too lonely over there. I'm also sending stamina karma to Jake. You go, Daddy.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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