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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

FhedEhx is a cunt tease 2001-12-10 7:30 p.m. ... or maybe that's a cock tease. It's hard to decide when you're referring to me. I spelled it wrong so that it wouldn't show up in search engines. So I get to the office this morning, and there's my e-mail, telling me that my Titanium Powerbook shipped on Friday, which means, since I paid for overnight shipping, it should definitely be here today. Right? Wrong. After some checking online, which was vague and uninformative, and a phone call that told me what the real poop was, I found out that my new equivilent to a vibrator for the Mac nerdy didn't make it onto the truck-slash-airplane in California on Friday, so it won't get here until tomorrow. So one more day of harassing the mailroom guy, going "Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet?" until he's ready to kill me.

And speaking of the mailroom guy, we had some fun with him on the train after our holiday party on Friday. The company rented a room in a restaurant in Buckhead for the party. It was a nice time. We played a "little known facts" game with coworkers. About 15 of us submitted little known facts about ourselves, and everyone tried to guess who they matched up with. My little known fact was that I used to be a nationally ranked competitive pistol shooter. Oddly, mine was the one most often guessed correctly. I have no idea why that is.

Anyway, most of us took the train up to Buckhead because parking sucks there, and so most of us ended up in the same train car on the way back. Now, mailroom guy is the kind of guy who starts talking to the prettiest girl sitting near him when he gets on the train, which he did not ten seconds after we boarded. Since there were about eight of his female coworkers surrounding him, we immediately started ragging him and giving him a hard time in front of the girl he was trying to make time with.

And, since I had my camera with me, I started taking pictures. Now, this is a handsome man. He's buff, he's good looking, he's a smooth talker. I have no doubt that if we weren't surrounding him, making comments about what an operator he is, he'd have this woman's phone number right now. Hell, he may have gotten it anyway.

Notice how relaxed and confident he looks. He talked with this chick, saying he'd never seen any of these crazy women making rude comments before in his life, for the whole twenty minute train ride. AND, she got off at our stop, so he escorted her up the escalator, too, all the while with this pack of coworker hens dogging his playa' tail. Somehow he disappeared at the top of the escalator. Hmmm.

Anyway, he's going to kill me if I keep bugging him about my FhedEhx package.


Now I know what I have to do if I want to get some action. Just dangle Jake and all her parts in front of you, and BANGO! Yeah, yeah, she's cute and smart and funny and sexy and Sara's a lucky, lucky girl. Whatever.

I'm also getting feedback on the postcards. I received a Christmas card from Mechaieh today. How cool is that? And Gawain tried to hide the Boob card from his wife. Heh. Never try to hide the hooters from your wife. They'll always find out. And we do NOT all look alike. Maybe to you heterosexual envious guys we do, but we can certainly tell each other apart. Anat is about to fall out from wanting us so bad. That makes me feel good.

Your guestbook remarks about Jake's piercings have been wonderful. Marn's would've make me snort Diet Coke out my nose if I'd had a mouthful. I really needed all those fun comments to read today, even if they're not about me.

We woke up this morning to copious amounts of water flowing into our utility room through one of the newly installed windows. Long-story-short, the contracters are going to have to redo a LOT of shit because they didn't fix the roof properly the first time, and water damage has occurred with all the new sheetrock they just installed, and therefore the new paint job they'd already completed. Hope they didn't want to actually MAKE money on this job. They're gonna eat it.

The good news is that we finally got some rain, and at last it feels a bit like winter around here. The temperature was 41� on my drive home. It's beginning to feel a little bit more like Christmas�rainy and cold. Time to throw The Carpenters' Christmas CD on the player and curl up with a damp dog.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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