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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Denzel Debut 2001-06-30 1:55 p.m. I'm exhausted from getting Dear Denzel ready (and when I said I would debut Dear Denzel "this afternoon" yesterday, I meant this afternoon in Australia), so today's entry is going to be very pictorial. All of today's images (�Badsnake) were taken with the Canon PowerShot Pro90 IS, which has a 10X optical zoom. Rock on, Canon.

I've been taking care of the Jacks across the street, and they are a riot. Since they're Lucy and Ricky's dogs, I'll call them Fred and Ethel, just to keep the theme going.

Fred is Mr. Studly man, and from his behavior this weekend, I think the "stud" part will be literal pretty soon.


And Ethel is a majorly hyper puppy who tends to attack the cranial area with kisses and bites.


Fred thinks the Pro90 IS looks a little threatening and, for a while, turned into the Sean Penn of dogs.

Fred Penn

Ethel, on the other hand, loves the camera. Or, just loves jumping up on people. "I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Badsnake."

Ethel's close-up

And most of the time, they're just a blur.

Fred and Ethel in action

Jake took Deb to work on the motorcycle this morning. Their first double ride. This is Deb anxious to get on the bitch pad.

Deb ready for the bitch pad

And for all of you lesbians who've been salivating for a good picture of Jake�and I know you're the same ones who go all ga-ga over Amy Ray, too, aren't you?�here's your present.

Jake with the bike

And there's WAY better cause to drool over Jake than Amy Ray. Trust me.

Here's the shot I braved swarms of mosquitos to get. Had to stay very still and wait. No skeeter slapping. Full use of 10X zoom. I'm pretty sure this is a juvenile bullfrog, and there are three of them in our little pond. I think I recall Grouse was looking for frog pictures. I've got several hi-res files of these cuties.

juvenile frog

And finally, you'll find the link for Dear Denzel over on the left. I answered the G-spot question in today's entry. I'm not going to anthropomorphize Denzel and pretend that he's giving the advice. It's me writing the sex advice, and I get the credit or blame. Though he may poke his head in and offer an opinion once in a while. Head. Get it? You will when you go to the diary. He's also got his own e-mail now, [email protected], so don't be shy. Pose your questions and I'll do my best. All questioners will remain anonymous.

I still have to go unlock that diary and install a guestbook, so try again if it's not available the first time.

And thanks for all the encouragement for Deb to do her own diary. Looks like she's going to do it, but I have to get the site up and running first. May be next weekend before I get to it. Now go say hi to Denzel.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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