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Adjustments at the top 2001-07-02 11:07 a.m. What a day. And it's not even noon yet. My boss Terry came in and told me this morning that he accepted a job with another mag down in Florida. He was on his way to give his two weeks notice. Dammit.

I can't blame him. Things are very shaky around here as far as budget and staff cuts are going. They practically told him that they were keeping him on the line until they decided to sell or ax one of our magazines and hire someone cheaper for his spot. And he's been talking about moving out of Atlanta for about five years now.

But I'm sad about the whole thing. It'll be a less-great gig when Terry goes. How many witty, sweet, cross-dressing bosses are you likely to have in your working lifetime? I've been lucky enough to have this one twice. And no, he doesn't cross-dress at work. Not even when we worked for the queer paper.

My workload is also likely to increase. Unless we get this new guy in tomorrow, I'll probably have to do some training and take over the web updates. No biggie. But less time for diary writing at work.


Thanks to MornGlory for getting me Quoted again. I was proud of that little line myself.

And everyone has given Dear Denzel a nice welcome. No one has even said the graphic is too over the top. I personally think that it's WAY too much, but it's so funny I couldn't resist. I need a new question though. Otherwise I may have to break my own rule about making up questions and put in an essay on heavy petting techniques. I get Google hit on that phrase about once a day, and I'm always sorry that I don't actually have the information that the searcher is looking for. Of course, I get Google hits for "hymen pics" about three times a day, too, and I'm not sorry I don't have that. How the hell would you even take a picture of that?

Leviticus asked in my guestbook why Jake is the only one of my girlfriends I don't make love to. I gave L the long answer privately, but Jake provided�in a deep, growly voice, I might add�the short answer last night after dinner. "Because I said so." *swoon-thud* Then she laughed. None of us throw top or bottom attitude around with each other except when we're in-scene or just joking. Yeah, I'd play switch for Jake (not permanently or anything), but I could never, never tell Sara anything about it (must maintain my top image), and Jake pretty much has her hands full with what she's got.

And speaking of full hands. I've got a date with Sara tonight, and I'm anticipating a deep need for some stress relief. Nothing like big changes happening around me to make me crazy. Now, what with Terry leaving and Sara talking about becoming a cop ... Oy. This is about as much as I want to deal with for right now. I'll write more on my feelings about Sara becoming a police officer some other time. They're an ugly mess of envy, insecurity, and trepidation right now. I'd rather wait until they're a bit more organized and rational before I share them with the world.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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