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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

LA LA LA____LA!!!! 2001-06-28 2:41 p.m. Man, I feel so nappy this afternoon. I didn't have that much for lunch and I got a good night's sleep, but I think the cool grey afternoon is getting to me. It really has been cool for summer in Atlanta this year. Knock wood.

My boss, Terry, the one boss remaining in our department, joined me for a smoke outside yesterday afternoon and told me he would be out today interviewing for another job. They're indicating they might give him the ax too and hire someone for less money. That kinda sucks. He's the only person here at work who knows the real story behind my family. It's nice to have at least one person know that when you come in on Monday with a wicked happy grin that you got some over the weekend, ya know?

Well, I gave him my blessing for looking. Might as well start lining up something else. I love the location of my workplace, and though they may ax my favorite of the two magazines that I edit, I'm willing to put up with more shit to stay in my current job. I'm more confident now that I could find another job, but it's a crazy time to be looking. I told some friends that my next career might be in the sex industry, and one, wisely, cautioned me on making my passion into work. Wouldn't want that.

I finished reading Suzanne Brockmann's "Taylor's Temptation" on Tuesday. When we were hanging out at Jake and Sara's house Tuesday night, I was trying to say that Taylor is cute. This is when I was lying on the bed in their room with Sara, and she, also an avid reader of this series, did not want me divulging the merest hint of what happens in the novel.

You know that scene in "Austin Powers" when Dr. Evil is doing the "whole bag of shhhh" thing to Seth Green? That's what trying to get out the words, "Taylor is SO cute," in front of Sara was like. Except she was using LA LA LA and holding her hands over her ears instead of saying shhh and doing the Dr. Evil hand thing (Not to be confused with Lindsey's evil hand on "Angel").

Badsnake: Tay ...
Badsnake: i...
Sara: LA LA!
Badsnake: But I'm ...
Sara: LA!!!!

This went on for about five minutes. I started laughing so hard tears were coming out of my eyes.

That's about it for me. Good to have the huge writing burden of that date off my shoulders and be able to get back to the rest of my life. We've got a guest for dinner tonight. Jill.

Ooooh, and guess who gets to take care of Ricky and Lucy's two Jack Russell terriers this weekend? Me! Well, me and Deb, but it will probably be mostly me. That should be fun. The dog sitting starts tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I can take some fun pics of dogs hanging off Frisbees by their teeth.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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