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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Bad habits 2001-06-22 11:26 a.m. Had a lovely walk around the 'hood with Deb last night before dinner. Deb laid the table with tarragon chicken, basmati rice, boiled potatoes, and green beans from our garden. Incredibly wonderful. Lots of ummy noises all around.

After dinner and washing dishes, I covertly (or so I thought) followed Sara into the study to steal a smooch. I hadn't done that in, hell, a year or something. I got my kiss, but of course we got busted. Jake called me "smoochey-face".

Can't help it. I am over my "not feeling sexy" mood, my arm is feeling much better, and Sara is so geared to go she's going to explode.

Any time the four of us are together and neither Sara nor I are in direct line of sight, and we're being quiet, Deb and Jake assume we're off kissing somewhere. These days we're just verbally teasing each other because the sneaking off for a smooch on family dinner night behavior caused a lot of trouble before. But I really wanted a kiss last night. I haven't seen Sara alone since I got all primed up on Monday.

A tuck-in session was discussed, and I thought it was going to happen, but it got nixed while I was out on the porch smoking a cigarette. I really need to quit smoking.

Deb and I got ready for bed soon after the girls went home. I was sleepy but leaned over to Deb and told her that we needed to schedule some time for sex ourselves soon. She agreed. I said, "I suppose tonight is out of the question." She said, "I wouldn't rule it out. I was just enjoying that running your hand across my breasts thing you were just doing."

Woo-hoo! Spontaneous sex with the wife! ON A WEEK NIGHT! I was ecstatic. I've been feeling very in love with Deb lately, and it was great to make a little love before going to sleep. It's so wonderful to get that after-sex relaxed feeling and be able to just fall asleep for the rest of the night instead of having to get up again and finish the day (with Deb) or say goodbye and start doing evening chores (with Sara).

I (idiot) sort of got out of the habit of asking Deb if she felt like having sex. I never ask on work nights because she's usually exhausted, and I don't usually ask on her days off because she's been running around doing stuff all day and is exhausted. I've just come to rely on scheduled time on Sundays as the only time we get to have sex. Deb reminded me last night that it's okay to ask. I'm sorry she had to do that.

Anyway. That reads more depressing than it actually is. I'm in a great mood. I had great sex last night and I get to have another date today. Two words: Yah hoo!


I finished "The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing". Really great ending. It all seemed kind of detached and scattered until that end. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Now I've started Dara Joy's new "Ritual of Proof", a play on Regency Romance in which the men are the ones who are overprotected virgins. Lovin' it so far. Still slogging through the boring finish to "Twelve Days of Terror".


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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