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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Stocked up and ready to go 2001-05-17 8:41 a.m. I bought 36 bed pads on my way home from work last night. GRIN

Yep, today's the big day. I'm trying not to put any pressure on myself. I get enough performance anxiety without that. Yes, Badsnake experiences performance anxiety. While we won't be playing any roles tonight, I still have to try to come up with stuff to whisper and bark at Sara to keep her flying. Lucky for me, I think she listens to the tone more than the actual words. I've said completely stupid stuff in the middle of sex lots of times and it doesn't seem to phase her.

The air conditioning has been flowing up to the attic as best it can since yesterday, so it ought to be cool enough. I have to make up the futon when I get home, AND make it to Jake's standards. eeek. Hospital corners, centered, smooth. I also have to get my gear all straightened out so that I know where everything is when I want it. Mmmmmm. Geeeaaaaar.

Well, the end goal is for all of us to have a good time, not to break any records. I think we can manage that.


I don't know if they did this all over the country, but our FOX station has broken the season finale Gauntlet portion of "Boot Camp" into two parts. Bastards.

I have to admit I was impressed by Wolf's performance, especially in the rappel down a wall and write down a memorized quote challenge. And Whitlow's getting totally slap-happy, or as she put it "giddish" (which must be a combination of giddy and Yiddish or something), from the sleep deprivation. By the end of this challenge, they will have been awake for 65 hours, I think.

Whitlow is behind in winning the physical/mental challenge dogtags. And she doesn't seem to have made any real friends among the people removed from the game who'll be handing out their own tags. So I think Wolf might take it.

Whitlow also lost some of my support with the filthy Ritz-Carlton-mint-stealing lying-about-it incident. But as far as who I'm rooting for, it comes down to the obvious. I'd still rather do Whitlow than Wolf, so I'm still rooting for her.


I'm almost finished with Christina Dodd's "Move Heaven and Earth". It's been pretty decent. Better than the last of her governess trilogy. I also read Stephen White's "Cold Case" and really enjoyed that one. Next in line (and waiting for me in my briefcase) is Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood". My mom and I had been talking about it (and the weirdness around the murder of Robert Blake's crazy wife�what's that all about?) when I visited for Mother's Day and when I got home I saw that I had a copy on my shelf already. Yay. It's one of the classics I've never read.


That's about it for me today. I was disappointed to learn that I missed Deb's call yesterday afternoon. She left a message on Jake's work machine.

I'm still missing her pretty badly. I say good night and good morning to her picture every day. Tux has gotten freaky about the Teddy bear. He approaches it cautiously and the flinches back. Like while Deb's away the Teddy bear is alive and threatening or something. Weird cat.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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