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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Geriatric pirates and a surprise bonus date 2001-05-04 11:33 a.m. Yippee! PARADE SEASON IS BACK! When I first started this job, I thought one of the coolest things about it was they way Atlanta has parades down Peachtree Street at the drop of a hat, and I get to see them.

I'm sitting up here in my office, and I notice the deep rumble of the big drums floating up from below. BUUMbuumbummBABUUMbuum. So I grabbed my camera and headed for the elevator.

Where else besides a metropolitan downtown area can you be in the middle of your ho-hum workday, and suddenly get to feel like a kid for a few minutes because a parade just happened by.

With drummers ...


And big beautiful majorettes complete with little white boots ...


And old ladies in ...

Pirate Ladies

... pirate costumes?

Honestly, I have no idea what this parade was for. By the time I hear the drums and get to ground level, the cop escort and the front of the parade is long gone. There was a bunch of church and senior center busses. Other than that, you know as much as I know. It was a pretty darn short parade, though. I don't know why those sweet little ladies were in costumes. The one in the cab of the truck was yelling that she was supposed to be Napolean. Any ideas? Anybody?


I get at least two or three hits a day from Waterbelle's Pitas, for which I am totally grateful, but I don't look through them very often myself. So I decided to go snoop around there this morning and discovered that I need to bow down and grovel before the masters of mockery.

My little fun poking yesterday? Child's play. Go check out one of Waterbelle's finds, Catty Goths. Oh my sweet mistress of the dark, this is a hoot. Go check out their Reality Check for this week.

I did not even know Goths made fun of other Goths. Oval-Opal, why didn't you tell me about this? Though I guess if queers can do it, Goths can. The Big O-O, as I like to call her, was one of the first diaries I started to read online and is Badsnake's official Goth liaison. Now she's a full-fledged Slutress, too! Slutette? Slutrelle? I need a name that sounds like back-up singers for members of my Ethical Slut ring.


Has anyone else noticed a glut of .edu hits now that it's finals week? You know who you are. Get back to the books, you slackers!


It's spring in Atlanta, and we'll probably have about one more week of it before it turns into full-blown godawful summer. But for now, the flowers are a'bloomin'.

Deb with roses

Deb's got some pink, pink roses right outside our back door that I think started out as magic beans or something, they're so damn tall.

pink roses

I was able to get this shot by holding my camera (the Canon Powershot G1, thank you very much) at arm's length above my head with the LCD screen swivelled down so that I could see what I was shooting.

And this bud ...

iris bud

became this bloom in 24 hours (or less).

gold and purple iris

I love this color combination for irises. My favorites are the black irises, though. They are a deep, deep dark purple that is almost black, and wouldn't show up too well in web resolution.

So that's my garden show for the day.


And this is where Deb and Jake should stop reading. No, I'm not hiding anything.

I went next door to watch "Boot Camp" last night while Jake came over to our house for a date with Deb.

Sara was in this sexy, sexy little black pajama outfit comprising a tank top with itty bitty thin straps and leeeetle shorts with a drawstring. We never turned on the TV.

Of course, that was Sara's plan all along. Apparently she's been rather "in the mood" for several days in a row now. You know, there are several things that are better than "Boot Camp", and Sara when she's horny is definitely three or four of them.

I was very happy to dust off my character Joe and let him out to play. Sara was in the perfect mood for him, a man of few words and lots of action. He's pretty testosterone-y [hmmmm ... that would be a great pasta dish name ... testosteroni ... maybe Deb could make that some night]. Usually I'm pretty damn rough when I'm Joe, but since there wasn't a bed pad in sight and we had to make do with just towels (the old-fashioned way), I tried not to trash the place.

For some reason I don't feel like sharing all the fine details in this entry. If you want them, write and request them. I'll decide if you get them or not.

Let's just say I was in a muy macho headspace last night, and if you don't get the whole roleplaying thing, it would just sound stupid.

Though it's not against the rules to do so, I had planned not to bring up the whole "having sex instead of watching 'Boot Camp' thing" with Deb, since she doesn't really like to hear the details or recounts of what I've done with Sara. But the first thing she said when I walked in the door was, "How was 'Boot Camp'?"

Badsnake: uhhhhhhhhh
Jake and Deb: *much eyeball rolling and BWA-HA-ing*

I can NOT lie to Deb. Even if it's just to say, "Oh, 'Boot Camp' was fine." The only time I can lie to her is when she asks stuff like, "What did you get me for my birthday?" And then she knows I'm just making shit up. So, so much for being discreet.

I had a great, great time. And Sara is SO getting into her new girljock body. Ungh. Love a woman who's happy to be in her skin.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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