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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Gap between Badsnake and stone butch filled 2001-04-24 10:43 a.m. Last night I dreamed that Sara fucked me ... no, wait ... that was real. Yes, it was one of my semi-annual exception nights when I kick back for a little while and let someone else do the driving. Mmmmmm-mm.

Of course, I was growling instructions and topping the whole time, which Sara bitched (kidding) about afterward. But I think it helps her feel less self conscious. She is such a bottom. She could really be an inventive top if she had the inclination, but she doesn't, so more for me.

We had a great time. I tied her up to a bar suspended across the top of the St. Andrew's Cross with the cloth I usually use as a blindfold. I may not try that again 'cause she really tightened that knot up leaning into and away from it. In case of emergency, I would've just slid the binding off the end of the bar.

I'd set up the dungeon to be able to pour hot wax on her, but before I thought about it, I'd already put some scratches down her back and ass. Hmmmmm. Maybe best not to pour wax on top of those. And you just can't control where wax goes. It splats all over the place, and you have to hold it pretty far away from the body to give it time to cool just a tad while it falls. Aiming is a bitch. So no wax last night. Maybe next time.

I did, however, get to do lots and lots of fucking (before we got to me). Ungh.

Casualties: comforter, four towels, two bed pads, three latex gloves, two condoms, about half a bottle of lube, and two wet-wipes, and my regenerated hymen (yeah, right).


Lots of Sweetwater pics as promised. First, tadpoles!


This trip to Sweetwater stemmed from Deb being frustrated that there wasn't anything that we both could get excited about together. She's into bicycling, shopping, gardening, cooking, and depressing Southern literature. I'm into romance novels, Buffy, scary things, uniform fetishes, sex, and, well, mostly sex. She wanted to do something we could both get excited about other than sex.

Well, it doesn't take that much to please me. I like going to places where I can see wildlife. Even if it's just tadpoles. Tadpoles take me back to my childhood, playing in a big drainage ditch that we called a creek. I'm hoping that maybe last year's frog laid some eggs in our backyard pond and that we'll have tadpoles and more frogs this summer.

We also saw this salamander.


One of my brainiac readers will probably write to inform me that it's not actually a salamander, but some other species. Whatever. I'll call it a salamander for now. It's pretty. [Post Script: It's a broad-headed skink! Thanks so much to Grouse for giving me the straight lizard scoop. Note to self: Read more Grouse, 'cause he's a great observational writer and storyteller who shares some fascinating information on wildlife and such.

And here's the falls portion of the creek.

Sweetwater Creek falls

Not much falls to speak of, but really cool. The trails in the park are very well maintained, well marked, and there are lots of observation decks. It cost two bucks to get in, it was a gorgeous day, and it wasn't even crowded.

The best thing is that Sweetwater is a conservation (as opposed to recreation) park. So mobs of camping tourists aren't trashing it up. There's no camping, no biking, and no alcohol. There are enough trails for me and Deb to go back a couple more times and not do the same stretch of path twice. Yay.


I got linked on two different sites that have sent me a lot of traffic. One is, which seems to be a TV review site run by a bunch of cool women. All right! The Buffy reviewer linked my Willow Dream entry.

And I got listed as an underappreciated journal on Threeway Action. I've never heard of this site, but apparently bunches of people read those message boards.

So thanks to those folks who've been paying attention and know that I just love all the promotion I can get. And thanks go as well to the marvelous Pischina too for mentioning me about 400 times in the last two days in her blogspot and pitas. I think she's got a crush on me. Of course, she is a smart woman with good taste.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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