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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
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August Dreams
Zen Slut

Jesus looks good in red pumps 2001-04-20 4:05 p.m. Just don't want to work today. My next project is transcribing an interview I did with a guy who talks really fast. Not fun. So I thought I'd share some stuff that I've run across lately.

First, the press release that shows up when you do a search on my name. This is important information. Memorize it. You never know when you might need to call me up to help control some pests. Like people who type LOL instead of punctuation and shorten their words to letters all the time, or, god help me, I hate to dog on one of my own Slut ringers, but SHIT, people who write like this. If the bitch don't update with something more substantial in the next week, she is outta there. Keee-rist.

Then, from Disgruntled Housewife, is the amazing rotting jack-o-lantern slideshow. She just put this up pretty recently, but now is the time to be thinking up what you want to be for Halloween, so use it as inspiration.

And again, something I found on D.G., but absolutely one of the most fun time wasters (but not time suckers) I've run across in a long time�Jesus Dress Up. I personally like the tank top / Daisy Dukes / and pumps or bunny slippers combo.

Finally, I was reading RubyBlueBird today, and fell in love with this picture of her dog, and those Doggles. Those are the absolute coolest dog accessory I've ever seen. I'm going to buy some for Jake's dog Tyler this weekend if she doesn't do it first. He sees much better in low light (read: when it's bright and sunny out he runs into shit, or he just sits down, too scared to go anywhere because he can't see squat), so these shades would be perfect to help him out this summer.

I haven't mentioned yet that since I had to have Katie put to sleep, Jake has been extraordinarily generous in loaning me her dogs. It helps a lot. They are highly trained couch-napping assistants, and as such I feel they should be allowed into a Service Dog category and get to ride public transportation and go into stores and restaurants.

And from Who Would Buy That?, this is what I want for my birthday.

Okay. On to the transcribing ...


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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