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Wild weekend plans 2001-04-20 10:12 a.m. One more thing, but not worth an additional entry.

Last night I was reading aloud to Deb. We were both sitting up in bed and she had the teddy bear that I gave her for Christmas (or was it her birthday?) sitting on her lap. I, absentmindedly, start petting teddy's head and messing around with him and such. Then I started fingering Teddy's ass. And Deb caught me.

Deb: Are you fingering Teddy's ass?!
Badsnake: Huh? Who me?
Deb: Bad touch! Bad bear touch!

I have NO idea what possessed me to do that.


Dang. All that D-land downtime really fucked with my gleaning self-worth from the number of hits I get every day.

But I totally understand. I'm amazed and thankful that everything here runs as smoothly as it does.

But if you missed yesterday's entry due to technical difficulties, go check it out now. Pictures and everything.


So I walked four miles with Sara on Wednesday, two with Deb last night, and three with the Spa Girls this morning. I was kickin' A with the SGs, too. As I tell Sara, "This hill is my bitch!" I just plow right over it. All the hills are my bitches now. My ass and thigh muscles rule.

There's really not a whole helluva lot going on right now. I won't get to go see Catherine Liszt this weekend. Nobody to go with. The girls are out of town and Deb has to work at 3:00. No way am I driving to Knoxville by myself.

And though I could probably hitch a ride with someone, I have trepidations about spending 10 hours in a car with people I don't know that well. I could sit at home and pull my hair out, thank you.

So no polyamory lecture this weekend.

And tonight I have the night to myself for the first time in a couple weeks. Deb has been working a lot of day shifts lately. I used to be able to bank on Monday, Friday and Saturday evenings for my own plans. Now it's just Mondays (date night). But this week she doing a Fri. and Sat. too. I think she may have scheduled herself like that just to give me a couple evenings alone. Well, God bless her if she did. I like my alone time. Time to scratch, belch, fart, and eat nachos to my heart's content.

And maybe there's a slight chance I could get the Boot Camp tape to work in our auxilliary VCR and invite Sara to come watch the episodes we've missed. Maybe.


Jake picked up her chaps yesterday. I wasn't home to see the official unveiling. Dammit.

I hope she wears them the next time she borrows the bike to ride to work. Nothin' like starting off your day on the front porch, drinking a cup of coffee, smoking a cigarette, and leering at a damn fine butch decked out in leather from head to toe and riding a motorcycle.


Deb and I sort of get the weekend to ourselves, too. Jake and Sara will be out of town visiting family, arriving back home in time for dinner Sunday night.

My hope is to get some date time with Deb on Saturday or Sunday (or both) if I can distract her from the gardens long enough. Shit. I just remembered she's bleeding pretty heavily right now. We might be able to find something to do though.

My own weekend plans include buying tobacco, cat food, and the "Willow & Tara" comic book if it's out yet, cutting the grass away from the granite street facing in front of our house, and I'd really love to get the bath fixtures changed out and the grout around the tub redone.

Overextend much?

Ha. I don't even pretend to think that I might actually get all that stuff done. My back-up plan is to sit in the back yard and read a lot.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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