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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Blacula vs. Shaft: Who would win? 2001-02-20 10:18 a.m. Wow! Look! Andrew got the time zone thing fixed so that you don't start your new entries at Greenwich Mean Time. Cool.

I've got to find some time to update my profile and get some more good quotes from my favoritos in there.


The day started off with a bang. Molly worked for about an hour trying to get me up before my alarm went off. I finally got up and locked the cats out of the bedroom, which can be just as annoying as leaving them in because Tux pulls at the bottom of the door and makes it clunk clunk endlessly. This morning he didn't do that. Smart boy.

When I got up, I went to feed the cats, and had to put a towel in one of our utility room windows that leaks rivulets of water when it rains hard (as it is today). I was walking back toward the kitchen to start coffee and banged the everlovin' shit out of my head on the open towel cabinet door. The bottom of said door is conveniently just a fraction of an inch lower than the top of my head. Pretty much plowed a divot into my scalp. The ensuing, loud, echoing "fuck" I screamed woke up Deb.

And the rain was whipping around so badly I could only smoke one cig out on the porch this morning. Last night I only had one cigarette between dinner and bedtime (that's pretty amazing for me).

Anyway, it's a crappy weather day. 'Nuff said.


Deb made the Russian ground beef and cabbage in a pastry thing last night for family dinner. It's the stuff that turned into fried wantons the last time she tried it because the pastry didn't come out right.

The pastry came out right this time, but I didn't like it. It was too sweet. I don't like sweet mixed with savory. Everyone else loved it.

Dinner conversation: Sara talked about how she couldn't have gotten through this weekend without Jake's support. Very sweet.

I, on the other hand, mentioned that I'm getting nervous about Deb reading this diary so frequently. Perhaps a topic I should not have brought up in front of the group. I was feeling some discomfort from Deb. There's a good chance I was being passive/aggressive. Need to talk with her about that later.

We watched "Scary Movie" over at the girls' house because our VCR seems to be fucked up for some unknown reason. It was working Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening it wasn't.

We howled. Definitely a movie to see with a group when none of you are feeling very mature. I was lying down on the couch with Tyler behind me, my head on Deb's lap, and one arm around Sara's shoulders (she was sitting on the floor in front of the couch). Deb was massaging Jake's shoulders (Jake sitting next to Sara). Very cozy.


In the train this morning I listened to a guy expound, in a big booming voice, on his opinions on black cinema. I couldn't help it; he was sitting right across from me. He talked about "Shaft," and "Superfly," and "Blacula." Sounded like he'd devoted a lot of time to the history of black presence in film, particularly in the Blaxploitation era.

For instance, "Shaft" was no good once it got turned into a TV show because they had to tone it down and Shaft couldn't sleep with lots of different women. Nobody ever gets shot in "Superfly," even though there are guns present. And "Blacula" was the first scary brotha on film (scary as in werewolves, vampires, mummies and such, not just the "ooh, he's black; I'm scared" behavior that some white people display).

It was pretty interesting. I need to rent "Blacula" and watch it one of these weekends. That and "Friday" and "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka."


Tonight is date night. Woo-hoo. I hope it's all stormy and windy. I need to check and see what state the attic is in first thing when I get home. I don't even know if there are sheets on the futon.

This morning I was bitching that I was using up the clean sex towels to catch the water from the leaking window. Deb said I could use the good towels if I needed to. She's so good to me.

I have a feeling it's going to be another splashy night. Sara was right on the verge during my morning visit yesterday. In fact she fussed at me because she just barely held on to it and I was "not being any help" in that matter. Some days it's tough to be me.


On the upside, you can see my one grey hair really well today.

sexy hair


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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