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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Oh yeah, that's more like it 2000-12-27 10:12:52 What a difference a day makes. All I'm sayin' is sex rocks, and while I'm sayin' it, I'm doing a James Brown dance. I can do those little half-splits really good, though not on carpet.

So, the date with Sara went well. That's the understatement version. The less reserved version is that I now feel like my soul is refurbished, my brain is rebooted and rid of all the angstyness, and I won't be able to wipe the grin off my face all day. Three hours of sex is just what the doctor ordered, knamean?

We started out as ourselves (as opposed to playing a character), chatted about our day while snuggling and snogging, and eased into a more relaxed yet horny state. Sara was all about treating me right last night. It was "anything you want." Even Jake sent her over with a bar of espresso chocolate as a present for me. I feel like Jake has been especially nice to me lately, not in a I-think-you-need-it way, but in a very sincere, loving way.

Before the date, Sara said she was watching VH-1's Behind the Music on the Bangles. The program reached the point of the band's break-up, and Sara was engrossed. Jake told her, you need to go next door; it's time for your date. Sara protested: But I want to find out what happened after the break-up. Jake: No. There's a very fragile butch over there, and you need to go get on her. They love me, they really love me. *Huge sigh of content*

Anyway, after the date warm-up, we proceeded to a Vincent/Eleanor scene. Vincent's a good guy vampire, Eleanor is his favorite source of sustenance. But their lives have become more entertwined than just diner and dinner. In fact, we've played with these characters so much, and made the surrounding plot so intricate, we're planning a novel.

The scenario for the evening (taken from early in the relationship), is Vincent returns from one of his mysterious business trips where he disappears for a couple of weeks, doesn't tell Eleanor he's going or where or when he'll be back, and then shows up on her doorstep ready for sex and a good meal. Naturally, she's ticked off, wants explanations, and doesn't want to be treated like his convenient piece of meat. Or does she?

I love it when Sara and I play a conflict scene. Some get more physical than others. We give each other bruise updates the next day. This scene was more cerebral. Vincent can do a sort of mind push thing (kind of like hypnosis), that he used to get Eleanor to shut up and bare her throat. Except Eleanor fought it, and nearly won. Vincent had to really lay on the mind control, and then got the first taste of what he wanted as she lay there, motionless, helpless. This may seem a little sick to some. But what I know, as me, is that Sara is lying there, fighting to stay still, and completely getting off on the fact that she has no control over what I decide to do to her. It doesn't really matter what I do. she wants the powerlessness, and I'm happy to take it.

So after this, when Vincent, partially sated, lets up again on the mind control, Eleanor's really pissed. Now it's my job to try to placate or overpower, or a combination of both, to get more of what I want. We make up dialog as we go along. I have to think of reasonable counters to her arguments and emotions. We play off each other. It's challenging and incredibly fun. By the time we're done, we've gone through several more bouts of fighting, cajoling, capitulating, taking, and Sara has come in great gushes several times. Ungh.

How could I not be obsessed? These dates with Sara are the best sex I've had in my life. She says things to me when we're done that make my ego full to bursting and make me want to start all over again. And the coolest thing is, she's usually ready to go for more, too. I've never felt more sexy than when I'm with her. I forget about any complaints I have about my body. I forget that there's a world outside where we are. I forget everything except the moment we're in and what I'm planning next. It's bliss.

And one other thing you should know. I don't generally come during any of this (there have been a couple rare occasions). This is all me working on Sara. I didn't even masturbate last night after she went home. Still, after one of these dates, I feel as relaxed as if I've come about 20 times. I'm a freak, I know, but that's what sex with a woman is like for me. When I want to have an orgasm, I do it myself. I just can't let go of the control to hand over the reins to anybody else. Sometimes I wish I was different in that aspect, but most of the time, like today, I really don't care. I got what I needed in a big way.

*More content sighs* That's it for now. Don't hate me for being sexy.



Finished "The Convenient Marriage," which got pretty draggy with endless foolish foppish dialog, and you need an encyclopedia of 1770s fashion and wigs. Eh.

Finished a Buffy the Vampire Slayer novel. Can't even remember the name of it. Ancient Chinese vampire Chiroyoju fights Japanese mountain god Sanno while inhabiting Willow/Buffy and Xander, respectively. Pretty decent. Not very sexy. Not as good as a TV episode.

Have started "Seduced" by Janelle Denison. This is a trashy Harlequin Temptation that Sara gave me as a stocking stuffer. It's not one of her usual recommended ones where she's read it herself or knows that the author has a good reputation. She picked it from the description on the book jacket. Unfortunately, the characters, plot and dialog pretty much blow so far. I figure I'll read it through the first sex scene and see if it's worth going any further. I'm doubting it will be. The more experienced of the two main characters seems to think that playing with food or body paints is the cutting edge of sexual exploration. Ho hum. I think the heroine is going to turn out to be another 28yo virgin. Which is fine in historical novels set 200 years ago, but I don't buy into it or get excited by that much in the modern genres.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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