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It's about time 2005-02-26 9:50 a.m. How did I let almost four months go by without updating? I guess I've just been busy working and doing the things I love, and the writing itch hasn't been at me.

Life has been good on the ranch these past months. Deb is still loving the pottery. She almost sold out of her work at a pre-xmas sale that we had. Her drugs are still working well and her blood pressure, which was problematic for a while, is back to normal.

We had Ricky and Lucy down for a Redneck Tree Trimming Party. They gifted us with a Christmas tree angel made out of a tampon.

Married life seems to suit us. Our relationship feels solid and comfortable with occasional fun spiciness thrown in. For instance, I just got back from a business trip to Orlando and got a very special welcome-home on Wednesday. Woo. I think Deb's sex drive just shows up out of the blue these days, surprising both of us. I just try to be ready.

Went to see "Constantine" with Sara last night. It was not bad. Keanu did not suck hard enough to ruin it for either of us; Sara was a reader of the comic series and I was not. Tilda Swinton, as the reviewers have said, was perfect as Gabriel.

A student who wants to do her master's thesis on this diary contacted me the other day. What are these crazy kids studying in school these days? Of course it's okay with me if someone wants to dissect my writing and my possible motivations for sharing my private life and stories of our unusual little family in the world of academia. Writing about that is a little meta for me, though. And I don't usually even use the term "meta."

I do think it's funny that Thesis Chick was an English/Psych major undergrad and has gone on to do a master's in English, which is exactly what Deb did. There may be an exciting career in retail sales awaiting her after school.

Things are going really well with Three. She had a car wreck a couple weeks ago (she's fine), and the insurance company totalled her car. Deb and I are loaning her the Saturn until she can get tags and insurance for the "new" used car that she's buying (assuming the sale goes as planned). It's a Honda Civic with 140-something-thousand miles on it. Selling price: $800. We have a mutual admiration for our cheap-skate tendencies. She has a pretty good mechanical knowledge of cars, though, and has crawled under this one and looked at it pretty well. The trunk doesn't close because it got hit from behind by an SUV and is somewhat crumpled.

And speaking of Three ...


Oh, my God. I am having so much fun getting fucked. Geez. Why did I wait so long to find someone who wanted to do that to me? Well, I guess I wasn't really missing it or thinking about it so much up until the last couple years. I sure am enjoying it now, though.

Longtime readers know that I was pretty much the "giving" partner in my relationships 99% of the time, with the exception of getting my cock sucked, which doesn't really count since my dick is detachable. Part of the reason for that was that I had a hard time developing much in the way of physical response with a partner. That and, well, Deb and Sara always looked pretty bored when I asked them to do something with me, and it's hard to get your groove going when you know the other person isn't enjoying the process. And thus, I had a very hard time coming from the ministrations of my lovers (the best I could get was a diffused mild orgasm just before everything shut down), so I sort of gave up.

Well, after seeing Three for a while, I can say that it makes a big difference when the other person is enjoying the process and is turned on by giving me physical attention. I'm enjoying oral sex (and I don't know how many years it had been since I'd even had real oral sex -- probably 10 or more). I'm having orgasms and ejaculating like I used to when I was with Deborah the First back in my early 20s. Yes, I am a female ejaculator like Sara. I just thought that part of me had dried up years and years ago. Turns out it was just lying dormant, waiting for a woman who knew how to use her hands.

I also seem to have undergone some unintentional mental conditioning of the Pavlovian variety. When I go over to Three's house for a date on Thursday nights (it's Saturdays right now, but that's another story), we greet, have sex, stop to watch "The O.C.", which is Three's guilty-pleasure TV addiction, drink a Guinness stout, and then have more sex after the show. I now have a new fondness for Guinness and I think "The O.C." is the best show ever. I think it may have something to do with the orgasms bracketing the TV-watching, Guinness-drinking portion of the evening.

I need to go do a little trimming before my date with Three. When I've got some more time I may tell the story of our meeting and first date. Or how she has involved props from the show she's working on into our evening of fun.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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