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Shotgun Shell Party Lights 2004-08-16 3:38 p.m. Here it is! I know you've all been waiting for this! The incredible, nothing cooler than, got to get you some Redneck Party Lights!

These amazing lights are perfect to decorate your porch, deck, entertainment center, family room, bachelor party, shrubbery ... basically, wherever there's beer, these lights will fit right in.

So, Badsnake, you ask, "What's the deal with these lights?" The answer is, money. We've had a lot of extra medical bills this year, Deb's insurance got downgraded and doesn't cover her GP anymore, and the liquor store decided, on top of that, not to give their employees a raise this year. This is the best thing I could think of to help raise some extra dough.

I make these lights myself. Well, I buy the light strands, then gather or buy the shotgun hulls from my own sources, slit them up the side, and slide them onto the bulbs. I test every set before I mail them out, and you get whatever spare bulbs that came with the light set, plus one of those twinkle fuse deal-ios to make the lights blink if you want. I guarantee good color variety for the multi-color sets.

I can also do custom strands in team colors, like orange on a white light strand for Univ. of Tennessee or black and yellow for Georgia Tech or black and red for Univ. of Georgia. Any color combination of red, black, maroon, green, yellow, or orange (multi-color strands have additional colors, these are just the colors that I have enough of to do in one- or two-color combos).

I hope to put these up on eBay soon, too, but Badsnake readers can have first dibs.

So, are you looking for the perfect dorm room decoration? A way to make your RV ravishing? Some banging bling bling for your Christmas tree? A unique garland for your computer monitor at work, guaranteed* to make people stop annoying you? (*Not really. And I am not responsible for what might happen if you take a string of shotgun shell hull lights to work.)

Price List

50-light strand, green wire, end-to-end plug, indoor/outdoor multi-color set: $35.00

35-light strand, green wire, NOT end-to-end plug, indoor-only multi-color set (limited supply): $15.00

100-light strand, green wire, end-to-end plug, indoor/outdoor multi-color set: $50.00


100-light strand, white or green wire, end-to-end plug, indoor/outdoor custom color set: $60.00 (colors available: orange, red, black, yellow, green, maroon)

Just write to me at manualmode] at [, but take out the spaces and brackets, and make the at into the @ symbol (this helps me cut down on spam trollers). Prices do not include shipping. I'll take personal checks or PayPal.

If you're not into the super redneck scene, Deb's also selling pottery. You can see her stuff at Her contact info is on the website. Prices range from $5-$35 (not including shipping).

Thanks for your time. Sorry for the big sales pitch instead of amusing anecdotes.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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