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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Back to Bad 2004-05-20 11:52 a.m. So, I'm playing hookey from work this afternoon so that I can go have a long, elaborate, age-play date with Sara since she has an off day today.

Her new cop career has her off days changing pretty frequently, and this week she got three days in a row, Tues-Thurs, because she had to go to a class. The other thing about her new cop lifestyle is that when she's working on Mondays, still our traditional date night, she needs some serious detox time to switch gears between work and date. And she says it's highly unlikely she'll ever be able to get into a younger headspace on a work day. So, we're taking advantage of this day off to do that. We could still probably do a Lauren/Alex scene on a Monday night, but Lauren has gained a lot of experience over the last couple years and doesn't feel nearly as young as she did when we started. And the character has gotten a couple years older, too, I guess.

I've got a notebook full of date reports and plotlines and ideas for erotic stories. I just need to get in the right frame of mind to start writing in my off time. I've been having a hard time getting there. There's always house cleaning or lawn mowing or a really good nap that needs taking. I'll get there.


Depression update. Yes, we're still dealing with Deb's depression, but things are a lot less chaotic and out of control than they felt not too long ago. Deb's drug switch from Effexor to Wellbutrin has helped somewhat, though her GP and therapist both feel that the drugs still aren't doing the full job that they should. Deb still cycles in and out of depression, it's just shallower dips now. But the docs say she shouldn't still be having days of feeling like crying for no reason or being unduly sensitive about whatever.

Deb's coping skills with her depression have vastly improved. She's worked so hard on it. Unfortunately, she still feels guilty for having to take me along for the depression ride.

Anyway, we have two new avenues to better mental health to explore. Deb has made an appointment with a psychiatrist who has a lot more experience and knowledge about psychotropic drugs than our GP, who's currently writing Deb's prescription. The psychiatrist comes heavily recommended by a friend of ours. The first appt. Deb could get is June 23. Fortunately, she should only have to see him a few times a year. We're pretty sure insurance won't cover any of that.

Deb's also thinking about joining group therapy at the encouragement of her therapist. That would be an additional $60/week on top of the $110 every other week for regular therapy (at least for a while longer) and then the $175 per visit to the psychiatrist and the cost of the drugs themselves. Yowch. Medical care costs suck donkey testicles. Bonus insurance fun: Deb's new work insurance may not cover our GP either. Whee.

So, I'm thinking about extra income these days and wondering where I could make some. I wish porn writing paid squat.

Regardless, getting Deb's mental health back on track would be priceless. We're so close.


I'll end on a more fun note with another little tidbit of the wedding story.

Sara gave me a big sendoff date the night before Deb and I left for Toronto. The next morning, she stopped by the house on her way to the station. We hugged goodbye and, still reeling a little from the fabulous sex the night before, I made some typical ummy noises. We also accidentally keyed on her shoulder mic in the process.

We did the big wide-eyed, oops-look exchange as she turned her radio off.

When she got to work, other cops were talking about what they'd heard over the radio, but they had no idea where it came from. Speculation went in all directions.

Sara privately explained to a trusted supervisor what the noise had been (leaving out the sex part) and that it had been her with the open mic. He told her to just keep it to herself. She asked what it sounded like.

He replied, "A well satisfied woman."

Here's what I looked like that night after the date.

You make the call.

Now I'm off for more of the same.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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