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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Lesson learned 2004-01-19 3:59 p.m. Jake and Deb decided to call it quits on Friday night. One of the hardest lessons for me to learn in all the therapy I did last year was that Deb and Jake's relationship is their relationship, and not the relationship that should be conducted as Badsnake thinks it should. I'll leave it at that.

With the situation we're in we don't really have a model to go by, so we'll have to work it out as a family as we go. I mean, everybody can think of how things would go if you broke up with your girlfriend of six-and-a-half years, but what do you do when she lives next door, and she's part of your chosen family, and your partner is her partner's lover, and you're all a huge part of each other's lives? We'll work it out as we go. Jake and Deb are hanging out and doing some errands today.

Oh, and Deb just switched her antidepressant from Effexor to Wellbutrin on Sunday, and she says it's making her head feel like there's a balloon swelling up inside it periodically, so that makes things even more interesting.

And on a side note, the allergy that brought on a sinus infection that led to my having a high fever, chills and night sweats for four weeks last February is back. I started taking decongestants right away as soon as I could feel the tickle in the back of my throat, so I think that I've caught it in time. Headed home on Friday my throat was feeling like someone was brushing the back of it with a feather, and I thought I was going to throw up on the train again. You really should only have to do that once in your life. Lucky for me and my fellow passengers, I made it.


Spent a lot of yesterday working out my own anxiety by cleaning house like a fiend. Walked two miles with the dog. I'm up to 25 miles for the year now.

After Sunday night dinner (sausage and salmon over linguine with apple turnovers for dessert), Sara and Jake and I went across the street to our (fairly) new lesbian neighbor's house to watch "The L-Word" on Showtime. She had four other friends over, too, so there were eight of us watching.

I think the general consensus was, "eh."

In my personal opinion, the writing isn't nearly as smart, witty, or compelling as "Queer As Folk," and so far, I'm not sympathetic with any of the characters. If I don't care about the characters, I won't care about the show. But since I don't have Showtime, it's not like that makes much difference anyway.

In QasF, though I've only watched one season on DVD, it was easy to care about and like Emmet and Justin and Mikey and Ted and Debbie. They were quirky, and they weren't perfect, but they were definitely likable and interesting from the start. I just didn't feel that with the L-Word chicks.

The only one I did like was Marina, the cafe owner, who seemed to have good confidence, at least half a brain, and a hot voice and body. And I'm only liking her as long as I think she isn't aware that Skeletal Girl is cheating on her boyfriend. I'll forgive her the attraction to Skeletor-etta because I think they did do a good job of slowly building up that heat.

The two Mommy-Wanna-Bees have a relationship on the verge of a nervous breakdown. A baby's really gonna help that. And the find-a-sperm-donor at a party idea was horrendous. They would put more thought into changing cell phone providers.

Shane looked more and more like a heroin addict every time she appeared. Magazine Chick was boring and annoying. And I just didn't understand the Martina NeverGetsLaida tennis player character. Since when would a rich lesbian jock have trouble finding girlfriends to share her closet? Skeleteena's boyfriend, though nicely buff, has the charisma of Riley from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

Pam Grier was pretty cool. Her character might have potential if they don't turn her into a former-alcoholic stereotype.

Sara quickly spotted the biggest lesbian credibility faux pas of the show: not a single cat or dog in any of the lesbian households.

And the hair on some of these women. Aaaaaah! L.A. hairstyles that look like you refrained from washing your hair for a week or so, spit in your hands, rubbed them over your head, made a couple hair horns, and then stuck a barrette in some random spot on your scalp drive me batshit. In what universe does that look attractive?

Still, to give it its due, those L.A. styles look better than the classic mullet I was sitting next to to watch the show. I had to work very hard not to stare at the mullet. We're talking 1-inch all the way around the top and front half of the sides and about 14 inches down the back. If you look up "femullet" on Mullets Galore, the exemplary picture is pretty much it exactly. *shudder*


Went downstairs and watched the MLK Day Parade when I heard the drums outside. Really long, unexplained delays. One band ended up performing in front of my building for about 30 minutes. Good show. I got some good pics but have to download them at home.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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