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August Dreams
Zen Slut

Sweet Auburn Curb Market 2004-01-16 3:30 p.m. Does anyone else think it is beyond tacky that on the wreath that Dubya laid on Martin Luther King's crypt, supposedly to pay respect to the late civil rights leader, the ribbon on the wreath says, in big letters, President George W. Bush? You can read the name much better in the physical copy of the newspaper.

Dear Ms. Manners,
During President Bush's recent visit to Atlanta, he laid a wreath on the crypt of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. The ribbon on the wreath, in large letters, read "President George W. Bush." Can that possibly be correct? To have your own name on the ribbon on a memorial wreath? Even for a dignitary or famous person, that seems a little self-serving and not in the true spirit of paying tribute to the dead.


I really sent in that question. I'll let you know if she (her staff) answers me.

Of course, I could be totally wrong on this. I am not the queen of etiquette. But it just don't seem right.


Got to a new city walk today: from the office to the Sweet Auburn Curb Market, over to Woodruff Park and back. About a mile. Man, I should've gone to the Curb market a long time ago.

They guys in Graphic Design needed some photography for a concept, and they didn't know where they should go to shoot fish in a case. They were thinking Publix. Even though I'd never been to the market, I knew it was there, so I suggested that. We did a quick web search to be sure they were open and offered fish and off we headed to the Sweet Auburn district.

From the online map, I thought it was on Auburn Ave., but it's not. I asked a sweet little (about 4'5") old lady if she could point us to the market and she took me by the arm and led me around the corner to show me where it was on Edgewood. The guys and I walked over, and it was perfect for what they were looking for. The only problem was that the light wasn't good, and with the glass cases, flash would be an annoyance, so I had to hold the camera really still and take exposures around 1/5 to 1/3 of a second on f/4.5. I always forget to up the ISO, so that was set at 100, as usual.

Anyway, I got to practice my food shooting and get an awsome meat-and-two lunch with ribs, turnip greens, mashed sweet potatoes and sweet cornbread.

There were all kinds of folks there, and a lot of Grady Hospital employees getting lunch. I loved it. The neighborhood's a little rough, but I think I could go by myself without a problem.

There are some fairly gross items in the display cases, like cow legs from the shin to the hoof, chitlins (or chitterlings, cleaned in a bag), and tripe. Mostly, I'll want Deb to come meet me and walk over and have lunch there together in the near future.

And Deb took a nice photo of me with the old fashioned technology they used to call "film." So I scanned it to share.

Miles so far in 2004: 21.5

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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