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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

"Into the Night" at last 2002-11-23 7:59 p.m. I've got a busy, busy weekend going. Got up early this morning, played on the computer, went back to bed, got up again, shopped for car insurance, got depressed about how much I'm going to have to pay for car insurance, frowned about the injustices of expensive car insurance. Then I moved about half of the palette load of bricks Deb had unloaded into the driveway when she bought them for her patio project. Slowly but surely, I have to move all the crap out of the garage so I can park the car in there.

Then I took the scoot out to treat myself to lunch at the Break Pad and then over to the new ice cream place down the road, Rainbow Ice Cream. It sounds queer, but I don't think it is. The place had all the atmospheric charm of a really clean gas station restroom.

But the big news, besides Jess winning the book for being my 100,000th hit and Cedar Crest College having an acceptable non-discrimination policy, is that Sara got her hands on a copy of Suzanne Brockmann's newest book, "Into the Night," which isn't going to be on store shelves until the 29th. She just finished it, and now it's in my hot little hands. My whole evening is open for uninterrupted reading.

Big fan gush in case Suzanne stops by: I plan on buying your book anyway. In fact, I will buy anything you write from here on out, even when your new releases start coming out in hardback. If ever a writer deserves to make money from the pleasure you've given me, you're her. End gush.


Date Report (addendum)

















I haven't actually had another date, I just wanted to apologize for the lame date report I did last time. It just didn't do the evening justice. Sara was amazing, and completely hot. She really wanted me to get in her ass, and I didn't think it was going to accommodate anything larger than a finger that night. But there came a point ... she was lying on her belly, and I'd been playing with her ass with my left hand. I started fucking her with my right hand, and after she came her ass just relaxed. I condomed up as fast as I could, and my cock slid in with almost no effort. Sometimes it takes a loooooong time coaxing before that happens.

And not only did I get in, but I could really fuck. (Note: there was lots of lube involved) I mean really fuck. That happens even more rarely.

It was an amazing date.

Tonight Sara has her own outside the family date with a longtime friend of hers, R. She was going to go to his house to make things easier on me, but he lives way the fuck out somewhere and she doesn't really want to drive out there, have a date, drive back here, and then go to work, so he's coming here. I can deal with it. Mostly I do best just not thinking about it too much.

Also, I'm pretty confident that this guy will not be stealing all of her attention away from me. After all of Deb's troubles this year, that's what I would be most afraid of. Even after five years, Sara and I have an astounding chemistry when we're together. Sure, we're a little more relaxed than we used to be. But I don't take her for granted at all, and I know that she doesn't take me for granted either.

The truth is, she's the best lover I've ever had, and probably ever will. I want to keep that special.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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