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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Really sick sex. Really. 2002-10-07 5:05 p.m. Woke up with my tonsils flared and angry and being extra nasty inside my throat this morning. Dammit. Called in sick and called the doc to ask for antibiotics. They recommended gargling with salt water and taking anti-inflammitory drugs instead. I guess that's for the best.

And Angel is walking around with a droopy tail today. I don't know what's up with that. She might have worn it out last night, she was so excited about the company. Maybe she thwacked it too hard against something.

Sunday dinner was awesome. Deb's pork roast is to die for. The fabulous risotto had mushrooms and spinach in it. And Anat and, um, I don't know what we call Anat's special friend. Um, Anat and Not-Anat brought a cake that, as Sara put it, defined "wretched excess." It's all chocolate with candy bars and sheets of white and dark chocolate on top. A big fucking fat slice of it has my name on it for later on tonight.


Date Reports (3)
















Sunday morning Sara came home all wound up from work and I happened to be up early in the morning, so she came to our house to unload. We went up to the attic to talk so we wouldn't wake up Deb and ended up coming up with a scene that would relax her.

We were friends who lived in the same dorm. She's all tense from studying for an exam. I offer her a back massage. I convince her to take off her shirt. I plant a kiss at the base of her neck. One thing leads to another.

Next thing I know, we'd been having sex for a while and Sara was down for the count. She said, "Maybe the smell of the bacon will wake me up and I'll come down for breakfast," but nope. She was out until about 4:00. I had to go next door and tell Jake that I'd made her girlfriend pass out.

No casualties.

Next I went up at three in the afternoon to see if she was ready to wake up yet. I played Julian and did a little feed and fuck while she was only half conscious.

No casualties. She got up and four and we watched another episode of the "Sopranos," which we're really been enjoying lately.

Today, Sara came by in the early evening to see if I wanted to try a date while I was sick or not. We went back and forth quite a bit trying to decide. In the end, keeping the 31 consecutive days going won over tacking on another day in November. We agreed there would be no kissing during the date. Just in case Sara doesn't already have what I'm fighting off with my tonsil flare up.

I went to take a shower and she went upstairs and prepared a surprise for me. When I got to the top of the stairs, she was laid out on her belly, naked, with her ankles bound in the padded leather cuffs and dog snapped together, and her wrists bound behind her back with the nylon cuffs and dog snapped together. We had not worked out any scenario prior to me seeing this, so it was all off the cuff.

As it played out, she was Karen, a loan from a man named Marcus. There was a contract on the table across the room stipulating what I could and couldn't do to her for the next twelve hours. I was very pleased.

I noted that Marcus had insisted that there would be no kissing, and asked if he was in love with her. She said she didn't know. I asked if she knew why Marcus had loaned her to me. She said she thought that perhaps he was trying to teach her a lesson. She had told him that she wasn't afraid of anything that he did to her, and he had given her to someone he thought might be able to put fear back into her. Me.

I played with her like a toy. I spanked her. I scored her with two different knives after making her kiss the blades. God, it was hot watching her little pink pointed tongue run along the black and silver steel. Then I slapped the scratches on her back and breasts with the razor strop to bring them into relief.

I put her on her back and lifted her legs by the shackles to look at her pussy. It was glistening. I fucked her with my hand and then with one of the dildoes.

She enjoyed herself thoroughly, and then she mentioned that Marcus had told her there was something odd about me. I asked if he hadn't been more specific than that. (See, I had an idea what Sara was hinting at, but wanted to make sure.) She said, "No, but he said that he hoped I would nourish your body as well as your soul." You guys know where this is going now, don't you?

I spread out a bed pad and towel and asked if she was ready for more. She watched me laying out the towels and said she presumed Marcus had told me about her (meaning the ejaculating). I said he'd been bragging on her almost from the beginning. I positioned myself near her throat and whispered in her ear, "This is going to hurt a little." Then I bit into her shoulder as I pushed my fingers inside her. She came off the bed. Yelling. "Oh my god ... What are you? ... Oh god ... are you? Ohhhh!" God, I love feeding on someone for the first time.

"Are you for real," she asked. I said, "Look at me," and showed her my fangs. Here eyes widened considerably. Strangely, being fed upon made her come in abundance.

At one point, I caught her leaning up as if to kiss me. "You want to kiss me, don't you?"
"Yes. You want to kiss me, too."
"Most definitely. Marcus knows that I enjoy taking a woman's mouth."
"Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he was punishing you, not me."
"No. Marcus is just reminding us that while I may do what I want with you, he is the one who owns you and can give you away at his whim." That just about made her come without me doing anything else.

I let her know that the loan was a tribute from Marcus to the local vampires. That he periodically made such payments so that we wouldn't hunt his girls, which we had done often before the arrangement was made. See, Marcus always seems to find the best meat. This way, it's not as if he's hoarding all the good stuff, and the vamps don't seem to be picking on him and the women he puts so much work into developing.

I had Karen kiss my throat and down my torso and told her that the fact that I had allowed it symbolized my appreciation for her nourishment, and that it meant that I would like to partake of her again. I told her we communicated with symbols like that a lot, that Marcus would ask her what I had done to her and what I had asked her to do to me in return. I also had her bare her throat for me and I wrapped my mouth around it, setting my teeth against her most vulnerable spot. I told her that meant that she raised the blood lust in me, but that I had no intent to do real harm.

We kept going for a while. I kept feeding. She kept coming. We ended with a 20 minute cat nap. Pretty good for a sick day date.

Casualties: one condom, two towels, two bed pads, my t-shirt.

Total for October: four condoms, eight towels, sex bed pads, comforter, t-shirt


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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