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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

What should've been Sunday's post 2002-07-15 9:40 a.m.
More date reports.



















I kinda like it when Jake's out of town. I finish with one girl, and she goes to sleep or goes to work, and then I start in on the other. This has totally been my kind of weekend.

Deb and I had a date this afternoon and she took a thorough beating, including some stings from the snake whip. That was pretty cool, and I hit where I meant to, as hard as I meant to, which is the goal.

On Thursday night, Sara wanted to do something that was free of the usual rough play, so I made up two new characters, Ian and Rose.

Ian and Rose know each other because their best friends have been dating forever. But Ian's friend Scott, and Rose's friend Liz have just broken up, and it's not pretty. Rose invited Ian over to her place to talk about the situation.

There's always been a sexual tension between the two of them, but they've never both been single at the same time. Now they're hyper aware that they are both single, but they should be thinking about the pain their friends are going through and not their own desires. Or maybe they should seize the day.

I love that first date, first time with someone feeling and it was great to do a scene that was pure desire. Sara made up some great backstory during our pre-sex conversation. She had me dating a Hooters girl. I protested that she was a manager and didn't have to wear the short-short orange hotpants and therefore was probably not technically a "Hooters girl." We had Rose fresh out of a relationship where she'd unknowingly been dating a married man and had vowed to be celebate for a year. She was about 4 months into it.

Mmmmmm. The sex was great.

Yesterday afternoon, we played with Remy and Claire. Claire sent Remy an e-mail on Thursday. The subject line read, "You son of a bitch."


You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you? Don't bother looking for Jimmy, he came all the way up here to tell me in person what a whore I am.

Sad thing is, he's right. And don't bother looking for me this weekend either. I knew this was a mistake.

Don't try to call me or contact me.


I got that at work and just squirmed in my chair in a really nice way.

For those of you who've been following the story, Jimmy did some damage before he headed to Atlanta, setting some fires, breaking some windows, and pounding Remy's truck with a cinder block, mostly in front of witnesses. Remy swore out a warrant for his arrest. He also replied to Claire's e-mail letting her know that Jimmy had figured it out on his own; Remy had not told him. He also added some scathing words of good riddance. But he didn't mean it.

On Saturday afternoon, I went over to Sara's house and woke her as Remy coming to Claire in a dream, warning her that he was going to come after her if she didn't head down to Louisiana. I wore my jeans and boots and a pair of sunglasses. I was also packing and made good use of my fine dick a couple times before I left.

Now, I would've just slipped away and left Sara to get up and come over to the attic and we'd continue the scene in a really fluid way. But right toward the end of the dream scene, we heard a crunch, crunch, crunch. Sammy chewing on the condom wrapper. Scene end.

The main scene started with Claire showing up at the cabin in a mini skirt with her own pair of sunglasses. She looked ha-ha-ha-ha-hot. Remy had had a couple bourbons over ice and was sitting in a chair, practicing hitting a rope hanging from the ceiling with a whip.

She was telling him it was over. He was arrogant and cocky. And eventually, after forcing her to her knees and rubbing her face in his crotch, he convinced her she was wrong.

I did a very elaborate rope bondage on Sara, weaving a harness around her torso and through her legs with a knot nestled right at her clit. Then I wove her arms to her torso and her legs together. She couldn't move anything but her head. I gently lowered her down onto the bed. I could pick her up by the ropes and rotate her around. That was pretty cool.

I played with the knife, gagged her, figured out how to slip a dick inbetween the ropes, attached some clothes pins to some sensitive flesh (I got yellow called with that), oh, and used a vibrator to send a nice buzz down those ropes between her legs. That was fun.

After the date, Sara and Deb and I all went out to eat at the new restaurant in town. What a great day. I got to tuck Sara in for her day's sleep today and will most likely get to spend the night with her tomorrow night.

What a great life.

Just for the record, I cooked breakfast, washed dishes, washed the dog, and mowed both lawns today.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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