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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
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August Dreams
Zen Slut

No one understands him but his woman. 2001-12-28 10:51 a.m. Zenslut made a wonderful product recommendation in my guestbook. And I'm not just saying that because she's going to be visiting the Rancho on Saturday night either. Remember me bitching about not having enough room in my dick box anymore? Well, there's somebody out there who makes dick cases. They're pretty damn cool, and there's a good price range from reasonable to luxury.

The ones that look like rifle cases, though? You try to check that at the airport and you're going to have to open that puppy up and show off your collection to the ticket agent. Perhaps he or she will appreciate the care you take with your pride and joys. I used to have to check firearms at the airport when I travelled to a competition, and you would have to open up your case at the counter and show the agent that everything was disassembled, and then put a big orange sticker on it that said "Firearms: Steal Me". I'm sure they make you open up anything that looks remotely similar to a gun case nowadays, even if you are checking it into the baggage hold.

Anyway, these cases are totally cool. I'd be pulling out my credit card now if I hadn't put so much work into my current dick box.

And speaking of current dicks, the best name suggestion so far has been Shaft. I kind of like that one. "Who's the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks? Shaft! You're damn right." Thanks to Suffrgette (no URL). The decision isn't final yet, though.

And Tones (aka Motherlode) has suggested that I name the new tool Tony. Oh my. That seems a little too close to doing something with Tones without her spouse's permission. And doing it with Sara or Deb added to the equation. With her husband's permission, there's a LOT of things I'd like to do with D-land's most beautiful haired temptress. I'll have to think about that some more.

I got to try the new dick out last night with Deb. That extra reach was pretty nice. But, in the morning after we'd both reached the mutual conclusion that sex between the two of us works better if I'm using my hands. It's just sort of worked out that way for us. When I use a dick with Deb, I have to keep my enthusiasm in check. If I get as dominant as I want to when I'm strapped on, I overwhelm her. It's all part of the evolution of our sexual relationships. She needs a certain feeling from me when we have sex. It needs to be safe and protective. I don't put off a particularly protective vibe when I'm packing. Aggressive is more like it.

Deb can get wild with Jake. I get to cut loose with Sara. Luckily we've got our other partners or we might be sliding toward Lesbian Bed Death. (*shudder*)


So I had this post all ready to load up once I got home last night, but there was the dog to be walked and dinner to eat, and then Ricky and Lucy came by and we exchanged presents with them. So I figured after R and L left, I'd crank up the phone connection and update. Then Deb walked up to me and said, "We could have sex again tonight." Sorry Diaryland readers. See ya tomorrow. Yee-ha! So we had some nice sex, and Deb was extra good.

There I was, caressing and doing foreplay and stuff, taking things nice and slow the way she usually prefers. And Deb says, "Just fuck me!" Well, all right! You don't know how big a step that is for her to just tell me what she wants (later it was "Again!") instead of just letting me do whatever I'm doing until she gets bored and disinterested. I told her "Good Girl!" and helped her shuck out of her panties in a nanosecond.


And speaking of panties, you have to see this. This guy's book landed on my desk here at work�with a note asking for a review. This is like Glamour Shots gone very, very bad. The cheese level is up to Limburger grade. Some of my favorites are the girl in the bodysuit that matches everything, lingerie, smoke, and child's toy, poor man who will never, ever live this down, not the thing you want to wear while sitting on a mossy rock, this wasn't remotely in style even in '96, and Patsy and JonBenet. There's more.

So I took this book, and wrote all sorts of deadpan sticky notes on it, like "We HAVE to do a cover feature on this guy," and pointing out my favorites, and put it on my editor's desk while she was on vacation. She got back from vacation today.

She said my notes were so dry that it took her a couple of minutes to realize that I was having one on her. She referred to the photography of Art Ketchum as "so offensive in so many ways." But it gave us a good laugh. Man, I hope he doesn't track visitors to his site. His site promotes his book as "a conversation starter on your coffeetable". Heh. Oh, yeah. What kind of conversation would this start for you?


I've been reading Laurell K. Hamilton's latest, "Narcissus in Chains", and wooo-doggie it's got me pretty randy and wondering when Sara's going to stop bleeding and let me jump her. If you haven't read any of Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series, Gawain gives a really succinct rundown of the typical Anita Blake novel here.

Her non-Blake book, "A Kiss of Shadows", is pretty much the same thing except with fewer guns, more sex, and faeries instead of vampires and were-whatevers. I love Laurell K. Hamilton. Sara gave me the book for Christmas.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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