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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Where do we go from here? 2001-11-07 10:21 a.m. All of our candidates lost. That sucks. Going to be the same old good ol' girl network around our little town. Dammit. We also got ahold of a very mudslingy flier thrown into select yards on the day of or night before the election. It basically cast all of the candidate we were supporting into a big pot of gay militant conspiracy to take over the town with "cells" in every neighborhood organization masquerading as neighborhood supporters. Hello. We live in all the neighborhoods. Garg. Deb and I are both depressed about it.


On the good news side of things, I got a new coat that I absolutely love, love, love. It's a Land's End field jacket, endorsed by cowboy poet and large animal veterinarian Baxter Black himself. I reminds me of the hunting jacket that my grandfather used to wear, except this one doesn't have a big pocket across the back for dead doves.

And it's a women's coat, which I haven't owned in who knows how long. I'm used to a left flap covering right-hand buttons or zipper, and this one has a right flap covering left buttons. Weird. It always throws me when I wear women's pants, too, with the fly zipped from the wrong side.

The picture doesn't show the color very well. It's a reddish brown that matches Angel's head fur, but not her butt, which is a little browner. Now when we go for walks I pretend I'm the bloodhound handler on the trail of a missing person, and just around the corner we may discover a body in the underbrush, or in some fag's azaleas. Angel really hams up the sniffing part, darting off on false trails to not-so-buried bits of cat poop. I'm more understated in my portrayal of a dog handler. I see them as not overly dramatic people.


Buffy Spoilers

















Oh, man, was that episode great or what? I loved it. They touched and moved every continuing plotline in the series. And the throwaway jokes and innuendos in the lyrics! "You make me COM(e)plete." Anya's railing on bunnies.

Giles: Buffy needs backup! Anya, Tara! (*Anya and Tara go move into backup singer position*). Ha!

Buffy just before she kisses Spike: "This isn't real; I just want to feel." Oh my god, oh my god, that was SO fucking hot.

And WHAT what what was with the scenes from next week with Giles kissing Anya?!! Holy shit, that ain't right. Gotta be some demon thing behind that.

And Tara's totally going to leave Willow's ass. I guess .:cough:. somebody .:cough:. will have to step in and keep Willow happy in the sack and make sure she stays in line. If only I were a TV character instead of a regular human gifted with amazing but underused superpowers.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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