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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Our civic duty 2001-11-06 8:57 a.m. Deb and I carpooled and voted this morning. I encourage all of you to do the same. There are elections in most cities and towns in the U.S. today. This is our big mayoral and city council race, and the outcome is pretty important to us. We're hoping to oust our current skanky mayor, and we think we've got a pretty good shot at it.

I didn't get any novel writing done last night. Some time on the couch with Angel and "Angel" was much too tempting. I'm glad I watched, 'cause it was obviously a turning-point episode for the rest of the season.

And of course, tonight is THE BUFFY MUSICAL! Woo-hoo! The TV reviewer in the newspaper said it was right up there with the episode when nobody said anything for the first 20 minutes ("Silence"?) as far as best episodes go. In its own wacky way. I'm hoping that Alyson Hannigan sings as badly as I do.

And speaking of whom, the major consensus among my Buffy watching buddies is that if Joss is going to make Willow such a bitch this season, they need to dress her up in the leather again. It's only fair to the audience.

















I'm afraid that I'll owe you guys an apology. A lot of the Friday night date has already slipped my mind except for a major part that Sara suggested I leave out of the date report. Sorry.

We had a short date on Friday�two hours, which is short for us. Deb had to get up early on Saturday, so we had to quit at a decent hour, and we didn't get started until 8:30.

We got to test out the new futon setup in the attic. The futon frame that used to be under our regular bed can be propped up in back to make a sort of queen-sized divan futon. And the slats are excellent for bondage anchors.

Julian and Eleanor met after she'd been away for three weeks, stuck on the other side of the Atlantic after the WTC bombing. He told her she'd have to pay for her long absence. She told him it wasn't her fault, but that she didn't want to fight him. So she was a willing victim.

I tied her wrists up and out to the corners of the bed. I was strapped on and fucked her hard that way. Then I attached the leather cuffs to her ankles and secured her legs wide open, cinching the ropes tight to spread her feet about as far apart as they would go. While she was immobilized like that, I played my knife across her skin, scratching deeply in spots. I fucked her several times with my hand then, and she came hard, gushing all over the place. Ungh.

I untied her (hands were getting tingly) and we went for one more go with the cock, Sara on her knees. I love that position. Mmmmm. Niiiiiice ass. Beautiful back. Gorgeous curves.

Naturally, I was being all mean and intense. I wish I could remember more of the dialogue. The only thing I can remember is her asking, "What am I to you?" I knew what she wanted to hear. "You're a hole for my cock. A piece of meat." Wham. Orgasm. I love that woman.

Casualty list: two condoms, one bedpad, three towels, one spot on the comforter, my jeans, t-shirt and briefs were all wet too (but I'd done the job on my briefs myself).

The new futon position was a winner, but we had to snuggle sideways when we were done. Sara mentioned hopes for another sleepover sometime soon. I'm hoping for sometime close to my trip home for Thanksgiving, just to take the sting out a little.

I also begged out of a dinner invitation for me and Deb on Saturday night from one of my coworkers because Saturday night is our only opportunity for a date this week. But it's hard to explain that to the coworker who's now trying to guilt me into going.

Coworker: Come on. You don't have to stay a long time. Just come get something to eat and hang out. I'm a wonderful cook. I really want you to meet my roommate. It won't be the same without you.
Badsnake: No, dammit! I want to get laid!


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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