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Bad's Blog

Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

What hump? 2001-09-25 12:44 p.m. Sorry for the gap in updates. I woke up yesterday with bad muscle cramps in my neck and shoulders, called in sick, edited one article from home. It still hurts, but I'm more flexible. A little Igor-ish around the office today. I'm planning to get a good workout tonight during a date with Sara. That generally loosens all this shit up. Someone at work asked, "Is it stress?" And yes, it probably is. All of the crap I have to take care of here is piling up�like there's a three-inch hose of input and a one-inch hose of drainage. But I hadn't thought about that until she asked.

At my old job, I'd gotten so stressed out that I used to throw up in the shower in the morning just thinking about going to work. That's my barometer for when I need to leave a job. It's also pretty gross.


Ricky and Lucy are finally home from Ireland. I picked them up at the airport on Saturday, and wasn't THAT a creepy experience. It's 5 p.m. on a Saturday at Hartsfield International Airport, and there are only about 20 cars there to pick up passengers. All the drive-through lanes closest to the terminal are blocked off. I pulled over to wait for R and L, and the officers made me pull out and drive around again after about 1.5 minutes. Used to be you could wait a lot longer.

The tragedies sort of hit home a little harder for R and L once they got back. They found out that a good friend of theirs had lost his step-brother. But they said that the support for the U.S. in Ireland and all of Europe was amazing. On the Day of Mourning and Remembrance over there, everything stopped for three minutes at 11:00 a.m. Cars and trucks pulled over on the highways, everyone stopped working, shops were closed for the whole day. They saw all of this on TV coverage and with their own eyes. They happened to be in a pub with a TV on Sept. 11 and witnessed the live news coverage from the time before the second plane hit.

We had Ricky and Lucy and Luke all over for dinner on Sunday night, and that was a wonderful experience. Deb made chicken with a crushed-up pretzel coating and mustard sauce, green beans, and saffron risotto with tomatoes. We had a pear pudding sorta thing for dessert that was really good, too.

Lucy and Luke, both flight attendants, talked about how they felt about their jobs now. Let me tell you, now is not the time to get on a flight attendant's nerves. They will take your ass out. They have ways. And don't get into the galley when you have to wait in line for the toilet at the back of the plane. Line up in the aisle.

They're both pretty worried about getting laid off. They're hoping a lot of the senior attendants will take early retirement. A lot of FAs want to quit, but the airline wants to make them wait a few more days to think about it. Actually, I think it's tomorrow that they will accept resignations.


I watched a lot of TV while I was at home yesterday evening. I watched BTVS the movie, the first episode of BTVS (oh my god, Willow was �and still is� so cute), the season premiere of Angel (who's your daddy?), and the new show Crossing Jordan. Oh, and part of Band of Brothers. I'm amazed that I can write a coherent sentence today.


And here's your insider tip for the day: if any of you are thinking about buying a consumer-level color ink jet printer in the near future, wait until after the middle of October. I hope I remember to tell you what this cryptic tip is about when the time comes.

One of you minions remind me, okay?


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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