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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Frottage with Harrison Ford 2001-09-18 4:39 p.m. I picked up a copy of my old newspaper this morning, and they're reporting who among the known dead at the WTC, Pentagon, and in PA was gay. Now, in some ways, the conservative in me sees this as bordering on tacky. We're all humans, right? What difference does it make if a victim was gay or not?

But I also understand the need to find your own kindred among the many to mourn. And while the TV speaks of surviving spouses and children and the gaping hole in their lives with which they must now cope, rarely will you see the surviving longterm lover.

Like the partner of David Charlebois, first officer of the American Airlines plane that crashed into the Pentagon. They had been together for 14 years. Charlebois was a member of the National Gay Pilot's Association. I bet you didn't know there was such an association.

And it's also comforting to know that one of the heroes was one of your own.

I've been watching TV for days and had not heard one mention that Father Mike Judge, the NYFD's Catholic chaplain, was openly gay. It makes me respect those firefighters even more, having heard how much they loved that guy. It makes me think about how special Father Mike must've been just to hold that job title.

And then there's the gay rugby player from S.F., Mark Bingham, who they think might've been one of the passengers who fought back in the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. I've seen them talking to his mom a lot on TV.

No, it doesn't really matter that any of these guys were gay. But as frequently as queers are held up for vilification, it's nice to get some equal time for honor and respect.


Deb worked last night, so I was at home watching TV. Got to see "Band of Brothers" and "Random Hearts". I thought I was going to die when Kristen Scott Thomas grabbed Harrison Ford's hand off her ass and wedged it into her crotch. Whew. *sweat*

Don't tell Deb, but I only had a little thingy of yogurt and some roasted peanuts for dinner. I just don't get hungry when I'm home alone. And I was trying not to eat nachos.

Once again, I've got to start walking more. This Direct TV has been a bad influence on my bedtime, though. Yeah, Bad, blame it on the TV.

Tonight I'll get an evening together with Deb. We haven't had much "couple" time lately, so I'm looking forward to it.Hope to have some fun stories for you tomorrow.

Maybe I can tell you about how I managed to injure myself (minorly) in a bondage session with Sara while we were on vacation.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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