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Bad mammary jammer 2001-07-06 11:14 a.m. I got an e-mail at work yesterday afternoon that said, "Dear Denzel, How do you feel about one-breasted women?" It was from Deb. And I knew that she'd just had her annual mammogram done and that the Dr.'s office had called, wanting her to call back. My heart went to my throat.

And then Deb got on with the details. They want her to come in again and get some more angles shot of her right breast, and they want to see the mammogram she had done last year. So, whatever it is they're looking for or looking at, it's small. Nothing to worry about yet. And Deb, after an initial little freak-out of running worst-case scenarios through her head, is handling it calmly and with grace now. Not much you can do until they've had their second look.

She's also relieved that they're looking at the right breast, not the left one with the four-dolphin tattoo. It would really piss her off if they wanted to mess with that one.

When the docs call and say they want more X rays, you can't help but think about mastectomy. Despite my ode to Deb's breasts in yesterday's entry, I really don't give a damn what her chest looks or feels like as long as she's still with me and any malignancy is gone. And once you've seen this poster, I dare anybody to say a mastectomy scar has to be ugly. Like the song says, "You're as beautiful as you feel," and as long as I'm around, I'm here to make sure Deb feels beautiful. 'Cause she is.


I got two excellent questions for Denzel today. I'll start working on them this afternoon. And maybe I can get that Notify List installed while I'm at it. I just don't like the graphic that comes with it and want to make my own, more stylin' one.


Sara made shrimp and squash linguini with Italian dressing for us last night. It was great. Light and quick. We also watched "Drop Dead Gorgeous" again, and I must sing the praises of that movie. It's one of the absolute funniest I've ever seen. Go rent it.

Jake was ON last night, making jokes and tossing off really good one-liners. I wish I could remember them better. She was doing choreographed moves with Sammy while singing "Don't Cry Out Loud" [key tune of the film], and we were busting up.

I DID remember one more thing that she said on the 4th as we were watching fireworks. We were talking about a stray dog that's been hanging around the hood. He looks really mean, but he's very sweet. Someone asked why I hadn't wanted to take him. Jake said, "Because she doesn't want a dog who's hung better than she is."

Of course, to bring the conversation back to a more civil topic, I said, "He IS NOT!" Jake disagreed. I have to admit that I haven't had the opportunity to see exactly how well-hung the dog is. So I could be wrong. I know Ricky and Lucy must think we're totally depraved. They seem to like us that way, though.


My little couch buddy Tyler gets his bad eye taken out today. I keep thinking "poor guy", but apparently it's a pretty simple procedure, and he's going to avoid some pain and injury by having it taken out. I'm sure it will only take a little while for us all to get used to him having one permanently shut eye instead of one bulgy, milky blue one. He's still got his constantly protruding tongue to keep him looking adorably goofy.

And as Jake said, when we make our Tyler face now ...

my Tyler face

it'll be more accurate. (Jake's Tyler face is way cuter than mine.)


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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