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Going Nowhere

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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Teasing the _other_ neighbors 2001-07-05 1:26 p.m. We had a rather nice 4th at Rancho Lesbiano. I paid some attention to doctor's orders and layed about the house watching videos and updating Dear Denzel. Denzel is ready for the next question. I've decided that if I get a question that I can't handle, I'm going to ask for Guest Denzels.

Deb worked about a half day and brought home steaks for me to grill. She changed into a skimpy little tank top and Jake just about tripped over her tongue when she walked into the back yard and saw Deb leaning over shucking corn. It was some awesome cleavage. Don't know why I didn't think to take a picture. Jake folded her tongue back in eventually and fixed margaritas (I had a virgin one because of my stupid drugs). Sara, who was on-call and so also not drinking, joined us just as the meat was ready to come off the grill.

Ricky and Lucy came over to bring us presents for dog sitting as we were just about wrapped up with dinner. Jake, who was into her second margarita, made some braggy remark about Deb's barely restrained bosom�can't remember exactly what�but Ricky took it in stride and made the appropriate appreciative heterosexual male grunting noises. They gave me a big-ass bar of chocolate. (Though when I opened it later, the chocolate had a bloom on it and tasted past its prime. Still, it won't go to waste, believe me.) And they gave each couple a really cool wax bowl that you float a votive candle in.

We invited them to walk down to the school with us to watch fireworks, but they were whipped from travel and work. Lucy, a flight attendant, had to work one flight that was delayed then cancelled because of volcano ash over Mexico city, and another that went through some nasty-ass thunderstorms. There was also a lot of lighting going on, so they went back home just before the rain started. We decided not to walk anywhere either at that point.

But, about 20 minutes later, during a break in the rain, we heard the fireworks show start. We went out into the driveway and watched it through a gap in the trees. Ricky and Lucy came back out with the Jacks to join us.

Side note: Whenever Lucy is holding Dixie, the puppy Jack Russell, I always try to pet the pup (a big squirmy-butt) and then realize about 20 seconds after I start that with one small slip I'd be feeling Lucy up in a big way. Lucy doesn't seem to mind, and I'm willing to risk it. Heh.

Sara had already gone home to go to bed. Jake was hugging on Deb bigtime in the driveway as Ricky looked on. They made more jokes about Deb's voluptuous wonders. I wonder what he was thinking. He and Lucy are going to catch on at some point soon. I can't wait to see how they react when we explain.

Anyway, a good time was had by all. It started raining again just as the fireworks ended. Deb massaged Jake's shoulders for a while. I lavished attention on Tyler and said goodbye to his freaky blue eye, which is getting removed on Friday, then went to bed myself.

When Deb came in to bed after Jake had gone home, she said, "Jake's as big a show-off as you are when she's had a couple margaritas." But she said it in that affectionate, "I love my butches" kind of way. Jake is exceptionally cute when she loosens up and gets cocky.

I, myself, am anxious for my throat to get better so I can get cocky and express affection with more than hugs and purse-lipped peck kisses. A couple more days ought to do it. I'll be spring-loaded by that time.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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