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A short break in the action 2001-06-26 10:45 a.m. I did it, didn't I? I shocked you all into silence. Well, this entry will be a little breather for you.

I went to the Occupational Therapy center at a hospital this morning (7 a.m. appointment�egads) and got a spiffy custom-made splint.

my new wrist splint

Doesn't that look sexy? I get to wear it to bed every night. Hope I don't clonk Deb over the head with it.

Badsnake: zzzzzz-snorrrrrrk-zzzzzz
Deb: zzzzzzzz-pshhhhhhhh-zzzzzzzzz
Badsnake: *turns over�CLONK*
Deb: Ow! Hey!

Anyway, that was my fun morning. I spent most of my evening last night updating my diary and reading "Taylor's Temptation". It's so hard to put down. And Suzanne Brockmann is so addictive. I think I'm going to have to ask Sara if I can borrow some of the SEAL books back to reread.

Her characters are just so alive and so cool. I fall in love with all of them. *girly sigh* [no, not really]

Regarding recent Guestbook entries: Thank you Sosidge, BathtubMary, and Virgin-X. My life is fabulous, etc., and if I ever sound like I'm not appreciating it, you guys come smack me on the head. And Turtleguy, you're so adorable, how could I not link you? Shiitake, you are invited any time. And thanks to the many, many folks who gave me Repetitive Stress Injury advice and best wishes for getting better. I am.

I have exercises to do now. Vigorous bending of the joints in my fingers. And a sort of wave thing. Whee. The occupational therapy office had all this cool equipment and toys, and all I got to play with was the grip-strength and thumb/forefinger pinch strength measurers. Do you think they'd let me show off my right middle and ring finger strength and endurance level? My right forearm/bicep/lats combination? My lesbian muscles, so to speak? Nooooooo. Stupid occupational therapists.

Started thinking that OT is a really good career choice nowadays, though. You youngsters (who I KNOW skip over the raunchy parts of this diary, right?) think about it. It's probably more in demand than IT skills right now.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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