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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Sleep, Interrupted 2001-06-07 9:01 a.m. Man, it's hard to go back days and write those up when you have stuff you want to talk about that happened yesterday and this morning. Arrgh.

When Deb came home last night, she was all jumpy and thinking the boy at Starsucks had given her caffeine after assuring her twice that it was decaf. She was acting like Glen Close in "The Big Chill" after she does coke.

I'd been napping on the couch when she got home and got up to help her bring in groceries, so I was in a pretty mellow, "don't wake me up too much" mood. Deb, on the other hand, was in a "ready to talk about everything that pops into my head" mood. Either that or jump up out of bed and go do something and come back. I guess that makes me Kevin Kline.

Graciously, she went to the living room to let the buzz wear off and let me go to sleep. She woke up on the couch, disoriented, at 5 a.m. My poor sweetie. She's never woken up on the couch before, and the streetlight through the window really threw her off her bearings. She didn't say anything hurt from the couch-sleeping this morning when I kissed her goodbye, so I guess that part's good. But if I can get her to point out the Starbucks guy who served her that coffee, I'm going to kick his sorry ass.


This just to keep everyone on the same schedule: Family Dinner Night has moved to Thursdays. Deb is now working Wednesday nights. That throws off the date that Deb and Jake would sometimes have on Thursdays. I don't think that my Monday night dates with Sara will be effected, but I'm not sure. That may move to Tuesday. (I apologize if I got the effect/affect usage wrong�don't want to look it up now.)


And finally, I've just got to write up the date report before I forget all the good stuff. So Deb and Jake can skip this part.










After the marathon on Sunday, the hotel bed was Sara's new best friend. In fact, we were all wiped out. I'd been awake since 2:30 a.m. that morning (30 min. before our alarm went off). Deb and Jake stayed in the suite's sitting room because they weren't having much luck napping, and Jake said it would be okay for me to go nap with Sara in the bedroom. Yay! I love sleeping with Sara. She cuddles up against me really good.

So I go slip into bed and try to be good and quiet and not groping or anything, but Sara tells me she's got so much pain in her ankles and knees that she can't sleep. Would I like to try to distract her? Oh, boy, would I!

We kissed; I sucked on her breasts; I slipped my fingers inside her very wet and ready pussy. Then she reminded me that that wasn't quite within the parameters of "napping" and we probably shouldn't go there. I had to admit that she was right and stop. But oh, ungh, was she ready.

I wasn't able to distract Sara from the pain enough to achieve sleep, so she sent me to get Deb to massage her feet and knees. Deb got one leg and I got the other and then we'd swap, because Deb's better at massage than I am. I was basically just keeping Sara's other limb from getting lonely and jealous while Deb worked on the other one.

It was a very sweet team effort kind of thing, and I think it helped Sara not be so limpy the next day.

That night, Deb and Jake were ready for bed long before Sara and I were, so we stayed up watching "Girl, Interrupted" on HBO. At least for a little while. We ended up making out a lot and fucking a little on the couch.

It was just so amazing that Sara could still get so horny after all she'd been through that day. I was crazy for her, wanting to please her in any and every way I could. I was so impressed with her on Sunday that I was finding her sexy as all get out. I mean, I usually feel that way about her, but there was some little extra oomph after her day of physical and mental trials.

Then on Tuesday morning I had a sex date with Deb (before the ceiling caved in). We'd spent some great time together in San Diego, and I was feeling very close to her. We made love not long after we woke up and took our sweet time. Mmmmm.

Then after Deb went to work, Sara was getting ready to go to bed really early in the evening because she was feeling the weekend catching up to her. We got permission from Jake to have an extended tuck-in date while Jake went to a community meeting in town. Bonus!

Sara had me wait in another room while she slipped into her nightie and pretended to go to sleep. I'd brought over a couple of towels and a bed pad and had already spread them out for her. I waited in their living room and got into Julian headspace.

I came in and crawled into bed behind her. She was curled up on her side, facing the wall. I ran my hands up and down her body, discovering that she wasn't wearing any panties. I took a short feeding from her hip. Ungh.

Then I started talking to her softly. Was she dreaming? Was there someone molesting her in her dream? Did he push her down onto her back and force her legs apart? Was she blindfolded and gagged? She picked up the thread easily and rolled over on her back for me.

Did she hear more than one voice in the room? Yes, two others, she said. Wow, I thought. I kept going with the scenario and she added details of her own. One man telling her that he wanted her to suck him off, but that if she bit him he would slit her throat. Her shame in the pleasure she was feeling. Two of the men sliding their cocks through her hands as the third fucked her. Man, I'm getting wet just thinking about it. When she came hard, we managed to keep the bed dry.

Then she "woke up" into her Eleanor character and we kept going. She said she'd been dreaming about pirates. I'd been thinking more along the lines of a back room gang bang, but these little differences in where our heads go is what makes it so fun sometimes.

Julian had been away, and she wanted him to feed and fuck hard and not hold back. He did. Taking until she went into spasms of involuntary self-defense, trying to push him off.

I left her nearly unconscious, whispering instructions that I wanted her to sleep the whole night through, peacefully, with no more pirates.

In reality, she was able to sleep a couple hours before the dogs woke her up wanting to get fed.

Phew. Just had to write about that. I've been reliving it in my head for a couple of days now.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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