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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Bacon frenzy, pancake stupor 2001-06-07 12:10 p.m. Last night on the way home from the chiropractor I smacked my elbow against a turnstile so hard it made a bone bruise. 'Course, my immediate reaction was to want to scream "OW MOTHER FUCK!", but you can't do that in the train station because there might be little kids around, and people will stare at you like you're crazy. As they did at my next train stop when some guy I couldn't see started screaming like Martha Stewart was tearing his nuts off with a pair of hobby pliers. Everyone's heads turned in the direction of the wailing, but not one face showed actual concern. They all looked more like, "Shut up, crazy freak."


Back to the San Diego adventure.

Friday night was fun and we had dinner at the hotel restaurant with ultracool Miguelito, who was willing to pay 14 bucks for hotel parking just for the privilege. But let's face it, Saturday morning is the story.

Saturday morning we had the soon to be infamous Lesbian Pancake Extravaganza.

We stopped at Big Gay Ralph's ...

Big Gay Ralph's

... where Deb and I picked up the Bisquick ...

Deb with Bisquick

... and other supplies while the girls waited outside in the car with the motor revving, ready to make our clean Lesbian Invasion getaway. Mig had already taken care of procuring the bacon, and oh my god, was it grade-A primo bacon (from Trader Joe's, a hoity-toity food place right next to Big Gay Ralph's). And plenty of it. He got two pounds for the four of us, himself, and special guest star, our Crazy Uncle Joe (not our real uncle), who came down from LA just to see us. I'd show you the picture I took of him, but I caught him in a pancake stupor moment, and it just doesn't do him justice.

Mig had also gathered the mixin's for mimosa's, and mmmm-mmm those tasted good. Unfortunately, Sara couldn't have one because of the impending athletic stuff. Yet another reason why I don't get too athletic. You can't drink, and you're pretty much guaranteed an ACL injury at some point.

We sat around and talked and drank and laughed our heads off while Deb made blueberry lesbian pancakes that will live on in Internet lore forever and ever�not an easy feat in a strange kitchen.

Deb making lesbian pancakes in a flurry

Deb served everyone else and checked to see if anyone wanted seconds before making her own. That's my baby. We demolished that breakfast.

not much left

And can I just mention again how incredibly good that bacon was?

Badsnake in bacon frenzy

It just about put me into a shark-like frenzy. There were two pieces left over when all was said and done. And a coffee mug filled to the brim with bacon grease. Miguelito's apartment smelled like a real Southern kitchen. Glad he liked it, 'cause that bacon smell does tend to linger.

Later: In the true Southern storytelling tradition, I'll talk about what we ate after we finished breakfast.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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