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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
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Zen Slut

Go Numfor, it's your birthday 2001-05-23 2:02 p.m. 2�|2?t Google searched for heaving loins and came up 8th. Who knew?

I've got a smattering of comments today. No big narrative.


First, I can really relate to the hot, buttery Gawain's post today. I've had to sort of adjust to the same thing. I knew how to do a quickie. I just had to convince Deb that I knew how to do a quickie. Sex did not have to take three hours every time. Especially when she thought her choices comprised either three hours of sex that would wear her out for the rest of the day or nothing, and she was choosing nothing, 'cause she had other stuff to do.

I'm sure you and your huge erect cock will get the hang of the "quickie" soon enough. If not, Ever will surely let you know about it.


I'm going to admit to something that my peers have been scoffing about lately. I'm going to go see "Pearl Harbor". On Friday if I can. I'm looking forward to it.

Yes, I am a sucker for big, emotionally manipulating patriotism on screen. In my whole life, there has never been a time when the people of America have worked together to achieve a common goal as they did during U.S. involvement in World War II. I sincerely believe they never will again. Every history passage I've ever read has failed to recreate for me what that must have felt like.

And I truly appreciate the big special effect spectacular that this movie promises. I plan to be visually and aurally assaulted and momentarily put�safely I might add�into a situation that I am certainly not likely to ever experience�being in the middle of a full-scale military aerial attack. Swarms of airplanes in formation, coming as far as the eye can see. A deafening roar. Bombs exploding. Death. Panic. Heroism.

What I see won't be real. But something very like it did happen one day, and it changed the course of our country. From isolationist policies to global involvement.

I could look past "Saving Private Ryan's" less-than-stellar writing and take from it something that meant something to me. A deeper appreciation for the men and women involved in that war, the one's who survived one battle and continued on to the next.

It gives me goose bumps. I feel the same way about World War II documentaries on PBS. But my 13-inch TV screen can't match the impact of a visually stunning special effects masterpiece with hundreds of thousands of man-hours and millions of dollars poured into it. That kind of digital achievement is part of the art of my generation, and I like it. Use a computer to make something look so true that I can believe it. It's remarkable. Apply it to telling a story from a period of history that I find fascinating, and I'm going to want to see it.

Ben Affleck's not my favorite actor, but I'm willing to give him a shot. I don't even know who else is in the picture. I want it to be a surprise. I don't want the preconceived notions of whether so-and-so can play whatsisbutt to prejudice me into criticism before I even see it.

And I don't give a damn if the whole interest in World War II revival is just Boomers sucking on the teat of nostalgia. I'll suck on it too. I was born in 1965, and ever since I became conscious of such a thing as nationalism, the United States of America and Americans as a people have been the subject of derision, shame, and mockery, often with good cause. I just think it would be neat to know what it feels like to be part of a generation that didn't feel embarrassed about their country half the time.

And shit blowing up is cool.


Was my site mentioned on an alt.polyamory news list or something lately? I've been getting weird stats. If anybody knows anything about this, report back with the scoop.


Buffy/Angel spoilers (last topic of the day)













So Buffy's dead. Shyeah.

Pull the other one, Joss.

I just love the way Willow is coming into power. She needs to watch out for what comes back to her three-fold, though. And Tara's back. Yay. Maybe Willow scooped some extra personality out of Glory's head for her. That'd be good.

I love BuffyBot. I think they should keep repairing her and use her a bunch more next season. And I love badboy Giles, too. Can't wait to see who the next activated slayer is. That means there'll be three. Four if you count BuffyBot. There'll be Zombie Buffy Returned from The Dead, BuffyBot, Faith, and New Mystery Slayer. (Please let this one have some meat on her bones. Gellar has stick arms.)

And I was sorta right in my hopes about the Host on Angel. His head didn't grow back, exactly, but they were able to reattach it just fine. Loved Cordelia slicing the head priest's head off. "I'm tired a yer yakkin', padre." Hee.

And this is just for Tones: "Numfor! Perform the dance of shame!"


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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