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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Anticipaaaation 2001-05-19 4:10 p.m. Ahem, okay, whoever's in New Zealand soaking up my entries 20 and 30 at a time needs to fess up in the guestbook or private e-mail.

My 10,000th winner was uncovered. Congratulations E-Nymph and thanks to Widgetbitch for leading me to her. E-Nymph wins a copy of the edifying "Leatherwomen III", edited by the fabulous Laura Antoniou (author of the hot as fuck Marketplace trilogy under the nom de plume Sara Adamson and "Looking for Mr. Preston" a tribute to my all-time favorite Daddy and personal porn writing muse, the late John Preston), and containing a highly erotic short story by yours truly. From the look of some of Nymph's entries, I think she'll enjoy it. I expect a glowing review in two weeks.

In other D-lander news, Garden Queen, who left a really sweet note in my guestbook, totally stole my "casualties" schtick, except her casualties are gross things (pests, like slugs) that she killed in her garden. It's totally okay by me. I think everyone should develop their own casualties list. Keeps it real. True. But, GQ, I can't access any of the entries in your archive. They're not actual links. Go look under the hood and see if you can fix that.

And finally, GayGirl wrote a fabulous little tell-all entry about what happens when you get horny at work in which she linked my page about three times. Whoo. The hits are flowing in. GayGirl also happens to be the ingenious owner of the Writings In Sexuality web ring at Topsites. You can vote for me if you like.


MY SWEETIE IS COMING HOME TOMORROW! And I got a call from her this afternoon. She's had a great time, but she's homesick, and I'm homesick for her. I got lots of veggies and a chicken to roast for her homecoming. She said she's eaten about four times more meat in this trip than she normally would in a week at home. Sounds like my dream vacation.

So, I've got to do some chores (change sheets, wash dishes, clean out cat litter, kill this cat who's knocking all Deb's stuff off of a bookcase�grrr). Everything else is already done. I have been a very good bachelor butch, if I do say so myself, and haven't trashed anything or left big messes.

We finally got some rain today. I headed into town at about 3:30 to pick up some tobacco and witnessed an incredible storm cell travelling from west to east just north of where I was. It was one of those creepy ones that makes the sky green underneath it, and you could see the lightning inside the thunderclouds. It was moving at a good clip, too. I'm the kind of person who would go on one of those Kansas tornado-chasing trips if I had two thousand bucks to throw in the street. Even though I know it's completely unrealistic, I watched "Twister" about eight times. Helen Hunt in a wet t-shirt didn't hurt my motivation any either. Hubba.

That's it for today. Gonna go stand on the front porch and enjoy the much-needed rain (got the lawns mowed just in time this morning).


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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