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Inquiring Readers Want to Know! 2001-04-09 3:30 p.m. Okay. I looked in the old mailbag and found I had an interesting question from a reader. Why do I use condoms?

Mostly it's because Jake would be really pissed if I got Sara pregnant.

Seriously, the reason I usually wear a condom is because the most beloved of all my dildoes, Hank, is made out of leather. When I bought it, the woman who'd made it was sure to tell me to never ever use it without a condom. The leather would likely stick to vaginal walls like a tongue on a frozen pump handle, and then you'd really be in trouble.

With other dildoes (latex, rubber, or silicone) I usually use a condom because it's a good way to get a little lube on the shaft without gooping up your whole hand. If you've never used lube to any extent, let me tell you, it's messy and gloppy. I've used lots of brands, and they're all essentially the same for my purposes. Some are thicker, some are thinner, some smell worse than others ... but they all mean you have to keep a trick towel handy to wipe your hands off fifty times during the course of sex.

I have to handle my dick more than your average guy would because, unlike a guy, there are no actual nerve endings extending from me to the tip of my cock, and I can't just feel my way in (which I think Sara forgets from time to time).

And though Sara is always well lubricated the old fashioned way, if you're going to be going at it for a couple hours a little extra never hurts. And Deb, who is perimenpausal, definitely doesn't lube up naturally quite the way she used to. It's just a side effect of the body changes.

So lubricated condoms rock. I stock up on them and when I'm down to one or two boxes, I start checking the Sunday newspaper for Eckerd coupon books. Eckerd Drugs has the best condom coupons. Often it's three or four bucks off a box, up to four boxes, and sometimes it's two for one. Really good deals; you just have to have the balls to use the coupons. I've often wondered what the checkout people think when they see someone who looks like me (i.e. nothing like a heterosexual slut) buying forty-eight condoms at a time.

This may have been more information than the original questioner wanted to know.

Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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