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Heroes, Heartthrobs,
and Legionnaire Loyalists

August Dreams
Zen Slut

Special One-Time Only Offer 2001-04-06 9:37 a.m. Well, Andrew offered a pretty sweet deal to anyone who could write a tutorial for Windows users on freeware graphics programs. Unfortunately, I don't know nothing about neither one of those. However, I do need to practice my Photoshop skills. So here's an offer to any of my readers who've been thinking about getting the Gold D-land Membership but don't know how to make a banner ad.

I will make one for you. Of course, the timeliness of production may depend on demand. Just send me an e-mail, describe what you want, including colors and type "feel" (I don't have a bevvy of fonts, so don't get too specific)�i.e. kicky, serious, girly�and I'll do my damndest. As you know, I do have a digital camera, so if you want to include a visual of something like an ordinary household item that I might have laying around�wooden spoon, bar of soap, ink pen, nipple clamps, whatever�I can take a picture of it and design that in. Or if you have an image of yourself that you want included, you can e-mail that to me as well.

I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew, but it sounds like fun, so what the hell. I won't even put a "designed by Badsnake" on it. All I ask is that you put me down as your referrer when you sign up for the Gold. If you've already signed up, don't worry about it. I'll still do it.

Those banner ads have almost tripled my daily readership. I got more than 140 visits yesterday. My top number so far. When I first did the banner ads, anything over 50 was a really really good day.


Thanks for all the sweet happy anniversary wishes. Even my man bitch, Gawain, put a happy anniversay link on his page.

We had a lovely evening last night with the family. Deb made a southwestern chicken and black bean casserole and chocolate caramel ice cream for dessert. We forced Sara to watch "Gilmore Girls," which she (the kettle who used to watch "7th Heaven") thinks is way too sappy.

I also got to do 2.5 miles with her on the end of her 8 mile walk for the afternoon. That's good, because I've been a real Spa Girl slacker this week. I've still been getting the exercise, I just haven't been doing it with the group. I didn't go this morning either. Maybe Deb and I will walk this evening.

Yes, Deb is off on a Friday night for once. I had to cancel the crackwhore party I'd planned weeks ago. Doze bitches be pissed at me now.

One more thing. I think I'm getting PMSy (Yay! I can use my red page graphics soon!). I was getting overly upset at the TV last night because of the bad reception. At least I'm starting to recognize that when I start acting like a testy freak that it's most likely hormone related.


I have to share this. Yesterday I found a site of Southpark WAV files, one of which has Cartman saying "Bad Snake!"

Go listen. But listen to the bad monkey and bad sloth ones first. This will get you acclimated to Cartman's diction so that you can understand whatthehell he's saying by the time you get to Bad Snake.


Congratulations to Amante who got the "big connection" yesterday. Now you can get another side of the story.


Finally, welcome to all the new readers and the folks who've added me to their Buddy list. Especially Kalisha (no URL), who thought I looked like k.d. lang in that photo of me with Tyler. It's the massive bed-head that fooled you.

My site counter viewed in Internet Explorer has now slacked to more than 1,000 counts lower that the counter viewed in Netscape. Yet another reason why IE sucks and Netscape rules.


Because Jake decided she wanted to have a date with Deb on Saturday night (and that's all right with me), Sara and I get a bonus date! Whooo! We're going to watch our tape of this week's episode of "Boot Camp" first. I should go buy a cup.


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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DISCLAIMER�Dear government health agencies, concerned citizens, and slayers: Any mention of vampires, or other creatures of the night, or blood drinking of any kind in any context on this site is strictly pretend and is not meant to promote such practices or alliances with, or support of, undead persons in real life.

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