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Goin' to see my polyamory guru 2001-03-25 08:05 a.m.

None of the girls are awake, so they don't know about this yet, but one of the authors who wrote the book that we've used as a handbook for good polyamory, Catherine A. Liszt, is speaking in Knoxville on April 21.

We have to go.

I mean it. This book has gotten us through some tough times with its rational, sane, and experienced advice.

The book? "The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities"

Andrew makes money when people go to Amazon from the main link that he put in the members admin area somewhere, but I can't find it. Go to Amazon that way if you can, but if not, use the link above.

Anyway, Liszt and Dossie Easton wrote this incredible book about how to behave ethically in a polyamorous relationship. It deals with all the problems that come up, including how some people feel bad if they love more than one person and think they must be fucked in the head, jealousy, time constraints, establishing rules of behavior. We have gone back to this book time and time again to get a grip on what's going on in our relationship when things aren't going so smoothly.

I've got to meet her.


In other D-land news, I was one of the lucky ones to get an e-mail from Rusty Spoons when he or she decided to randomly e-mail the question "How are you?" to 10 Diarylanders from the most recently updated list.

The e-mail didn't include a D-land URL, so it just seemed bizarre. Out of the blue. And he/she is posting the responses she's (I'm getting tired of the he/she thing, so I'll use "she" since the e-mail was signed "Daisy.") getting.

Mine was:

"Ahhh. Fine. And you?
Really. That's the most brief e-mail I've ever gotten.

How did she respond to that? (Hey, she's posting my e-mail response, so I can post hers.)

"I'm okay.
Next time i'll attempt to write long random emails.
Drivel is nice.
Thanks for replying." And that one was signed and did include the rustyspoons URL.

Okay. Excuse the fuck out of me, mz unnecessarily sarcastic smartypants. What did you expect?

Silent Space, one of my readers and Rev-Elation's much talked about Mexican Houseboy, got one too.

In theory it sounds like a fun experiment. But the question could've been much more creative. This one reminds me of how Sara's modus operandi when she's trolling for online sex is to immediately discount anyone who IMs her with "Hello" or "Hi there." I think she even warns that she will do that in her profile. If you can't make more of an effort at an opening line than that, why bother?

Badsnake's suggested randomly e-mailed question alternatives:
�Is your refrigerator running?
�What kind of syrup would you use with lesbian pancakes?
�What's in your bedside table drawer right now?
�If you had to live on a desert island alone for three months, which morning talk show would you most want to appear on once you got off the island, and how much would you expect to get paid?
�If you were a news photographer covering a horrible flood, and you saw President Bush stranded in the middle of a raging river, and you knew that you could either capture a Pulitzer Prize-winning photo or save the President, which film would you use?


My final topic of the morning, straight from the newspaper headlines, is sexual misconduct. I'd like to begin by admitting that I am not immune to acts of mild sexual misconduct myself. I have posted several suggestive guestbook entries and statements in this very diary that refer to complete strangers, like Motherlode, Abbey Normal, Gawain, and Emma Thompson. It's all in good fun, meant only to show my appreciation, and I'm not a stalker.

This morning's headline is "Student-teacher sex: It's not just in the movies." We've had three teachers in the area get busted for inappropriate sexual relations with students. Gah!

The thing is, a lot of these incidents don't involve your traditional pedophiles, but rather really really stupid teachers. I'm not even sure where to go with this.

I have an ex-girlfriend who had a relationship with one of her high school teachers. And then another teacher on staff raped her because he figured she was free game since she was sleeping with the other guy. I also had a friend in college who became a high school teacher and "fell in love with" one of his students. I didn't know what to do with that either, other than to advise him to keep his hands off.

I do think we should teach kids (teenagers especially) more about sex so that they can make better decisions when it comes to acting on their sexual feelings. But just by talking about it. Not frickking hands-on instruction. In my opinion, no matter how mature a teenager seems (or is), they are not the peer of an adult. The adult has all the power in that match-up, and the consequences can be devastating.

Stepping off my soapbox now.


Close but no Bingo recent Google hits:

Marilynn Chambers
tampon commercials [I really should have put that one on my card]
sex with a teenage boy [I did not use that exact phrase in my diary]


Moving on - 12:11 p.m. , 2007-08-14

Where the hell have I been? - 12:10 p.m. , 2007-02-19

Holy shit! - 2:24 p.m. , 2006-01-11

Stuffing recipe - 6:17 p.m. , 2005-12-13

Good Life Update - 10:22 a.m. , 2005-11-11

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